
Steve Gordon – The Unstoppable Referrals Launchpad

(4 customer reviews)

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Steve Gordon – The Unstoppable Referrals Launchpad

Price:  $497
Sale Page: unstoppableceo.net/launchpad/
Archive: archive.is/1iGvQ

We Cannot Be Held Responsible For You Generating
Far More Referral Business Than You Can Handle!

If you’ve read my bestselling book Unstoppable Referrals you know that I’ve created a completely new, proven to work, and EASY method for getting lots more referrals, with much less effort.

You know that the big barrier to you getting 5 or 10 or 20 referrals in your very next client meeting is that right now, referring you is hard.

…Hard for a client to send a friend, family member or colleague to you, because doing so, means sending them into a SALES MEETING and…

No matter how nice you are…sales meetings and sales people are scary!

Your clients aren’t referring you, because the very first move is simply too risky…you could damage, even destroy their relationship with the person they’d like to refer.

And for most that’s too big a risk to take. Even if they like you and are a happy client.

In my book I layout the solution in great detail…

And, if you’re like many, you read the book, love the ideas, see them working for you, but you’ve just not had time to put them to work…yet.

I totally get it, life’s crazy busy AND you have a business to run.


Over the last 20-years I’ve grown two successful businesses, one well into 7-figures in revenue and the other on it’s way. In the process, I’ve had the opportunity to work with and associate with a series of very successful business people.

Here’s what’s true about them all…

  • They are voracious collectors of business ideas and principles.
  • They are fanatical about implementing good ideas fast.

Movement builds momentum…movement attracts clients.

Because they can’t do everything, they get outside help to move from idea to done.


When I hear from someone struggling to get their own referral system done and working they are almost always stuck in one of three places…

1. They’re not clear on who they want to attract (or they’re afraid to get specific about it). Look, that’s totally natural, I’ve been down that road with every private client I’ve ever coached…and once we overcome it, and get them focused on the right market, they zoom ahead.

But those that resist, struggle to escape a trap of their own creation.

2. They want to build their own Referral Kit™, but when they sit down to start, they spin…usually turning the task into something much more complicated than necessary. I’ve built dozens of Referral Kits™ from scratch and I’ve got a knack for cutting through the confusion and helping you get exactly what’s needed, no less and no more.

And I’ve found all the shortcuts for creating highly effective Referral Kits™ (including the four critical elements described in the book) fast.

3. Finally, with new Referral Kit™ in hand, they’re all set to get referrals, but they blow the delivery in the very first meeting.

It’s a total confidence killer, and it’s totally avoidable.

I’ve coached client after client how to handle those critical first few meetings…most writing to tell me in excitement when they suddenly get more referrals in the first attempt then they’d received in the previous month.


I’ve personally guided dozens of business owners through the Unstoppable Referrals™ process…I know where all the pitfalls are…and I know all the shortcuts. Over the next four weeks, you’ll quickly get:

  • A clear picture of who you’re trying to attract
  • A Referral Kit™, built with all four essential components I’ve discovered after creating dozens with clients
  • An orchestrated process for deploying your Referral Kit™ in your next client meeting in a way that’s comfortable for you, your client and is highly effective (my private clients often report that they effortlessly get 5–10 referrals the very first time)

By the end of the four weeks, you’ll have a completed Referral Kit™, specifically tuned to attract your IDEAL client, and a clear, simple way to use it to get more referrals than you’ve ever attracted before.

Plus, as a bonus, you’ll get four additional modules showing you exactly how to take your Referral Kit™ and scale your referrals from one-on-one to one-to-many, AND showing you how to create your own Never Ending Platform™ in just 90-minutes a month, to accumulate referred prospects and convert them into valued clients.

You’ll have a complete system for attracting new prospects referral, building fantastic and profitable referral partner relationships, and converting those referrals into clients.

The bonus modules by themselves would sell for $497, if we offered them for sale, but they are only available for participants in The Unstoppable Referrals Launchpad™.

There are basically two paths you can take:

#1. You can hope to get your Referral Kit™ done and get it front of clients and Promoters the right way

#2. (And frankly, the better, easier, smarter path…)You can tap into every shortcut I’ve ever uncovered for getting this done FASTand a month from now, be landing piles of referrals to great prospects

In all the work I’ve done over the last 20 years with dozens of business owners in 30 different industries, I’ve learned what works amazingly well and what doesn’t work at all.

I’ve been in-the-foxhole with clients who needed to bring new business in fast, as a matter of survival…I’ve tried everything I can think of, learned by trial and error, and discovered the most effective, no-pressure, effortless and time-saving ways to get the clients and referral partners that love, but don’t refer, to finally open up their networks and bring massive numbers of prospects to your door.

And now, I’ve put everything I know into this newly upgraded launchpad and bootcamp, personally guided by me…LIVE…in real time.

You can keep going the way you’re going—a few unstructured, unproven actions here and there. But if you’re still reading this, you know you need some help to get you where you want to go.

This course is the help you’ve been looking for.

It will help you cut through all of the confusion, get down to the essentials of what you need to be successful, and get you the results you’ve dreamt of.

Get started now…

4 reviews for Steve Gordon – The Unstoppable Referrals Launchpad

  1. Mateo (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

  2. Alexander King (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and easy to understand.

  3. Nathan Bryant (verified owner)

    In-depth coverage of the topic. I learned a lot!

  4. Eric Howard (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

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