
Amish Shah & the Tribe500 Team – Tribe 500 Premium

(4 customer reviews)

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Amish Shah & the Tribe500 Team – Tribe 500 Premium


Price: $897 
Sale Page : tribe500.com/special/?utm_expid=94415465-4.yW5NqGqmTvS72SbNC73q2g.0
Archive Sale Page: archive.is/ee0Xz

Hey Aspiring Tribal Entrepreneur,
Did you know there’s a surprisingly easy way to attract tens of thousands of hungry prospects from Facebook – without paying a single cent?
Or that by sending your prospects a certain strategic sequence of emails and content, they’ll consistently beg to buy your product – even before you’ve announced anything for sale?
Or that you can use a specific strategy to get your prospects to happily create your products for you… just before you trigger a buying frenzy?
That’s just a tiny example of how a new breed of online entrepreneurs and marketers are going beyond the old school list building and monetization tactics of the past…
And using the timeless power of tribal entrepreneurship to create unusually profitable and loyal customer bases – with minimal upkeep and maximum scalability.

The Problem? If You’re Like Most Entrepreneurs & Marketers, You’re Still Struggling With Challenges Like…

The seemingly impossible task of attracting a large volume of affordable and high quality leads to join your tribe…
The challenge of monetizing your tribe and creating consistently high-converting marketing funnels (without tiring out your customers)…
The feeling that you’re missing something… because of how tough it is to grasp the FULL scope of skills, technologies and tools for leading an effective tribe.
The financial, personal, professional and social hurdles you face in making your tribe your primary focus – instead of juggling it with a career or passionless business venture that leaves you bored, uninspired, and possibly even broke…
The difficulty in scaling your tribe and expanding your reach, while still maintaining the personal touch and influence necessary to keep your tribe loyal to you…
And the crippling fear and self-doubt that too often leaves you asking questions like “will they even listen to me?”.

I’m way too familiar with all the above scenarios… having spent well over a decade building tribes in a variety of fields. From online marketing and mobile apps, to personal growth, spirituality and ancient history.
(Not to mention making the rookie mistake of building LISTS instead of TRIBES, and losing money in the long run as a result.)
Which is why I can so confidently tell you that…

Today There Is A Unique Opportunity For Entrepreneurs Like You To Rise Above Your Obstacles… And Lead Your Own Tribe For Maximum Profit, Fun & Impact.

STEP 1: ANALYZE your tribe
Proposing to someone you just met is kinda reckless. And so is rallying your tribe without deeply understanding them first. That’s why I invest months into researching my audience before making my first move. Which includes:

Analyzing the niche you want to operate in.
Understanding your target audience’s demographics and psychographics.
Sizing up the competition.
Surveying your audience, and running paid media tests to understand what they want and need.
Finding gaps in the market; needs or wants that are not yet being addressed by your competition.

STEP 2: BUILD your tribal HQ
“If you build it, they will come…”
… is not the whole story when it comes to laying the foundations of your tribe. First, there are multiple pillars you must set up to align with your people and principles, like:

Your communication channels (website, social media presence, etc.)
Your initial offerings (training material, freebies, consultations, etc.)
Your marketing machine (email funnels, sales pages, webinars, etc.)
Your tribal culture (secret language, values, legends, etc.)

STEP 3: ASSEMBLE your tribe
Once you’ve built your castle, it’s time to open the gates for your loyal subjects. Doing this successfully will require strategies like:

Driving online traffic through paid or organic channels
Social media marketing
Infiltrating existing tribes (forums, meet-ups, etc.)
Piggybacking on existing platforms (guest blog posts, guest speaker gigs, sponsorship, etc.)
Traditional public relations or advertising

STEP 4: SERVE your tribe
Whether you’re leading a tribe primarily for the mission, the money, the lifestyle, or a bit of everything, serving your people is arguably the most fulfilling part of the ABASE formula.
Because what could be better than engaging with people who love you just for being you… and can’t wait to reward you for it?
As you serve as tribal leader, you’ll likely find yourself playing 7 unique roles, sometimes all at once:

The Leader who guides the tribe.
The Team Player who engages and collaborates.
The Guide who helps new members.
The Creator who develops content.
The Bloodhound who curates content.
The Event Manager who organizes events.
The Advocate who spreads the word.

STEP 5: EXPAND your tribe
If hitting bigger goals, changing more lives and playing a bigger game sound like your idea of a good time, then expanding your tribe is a must – as is ensuring your tribe’s unique essence isn’t lost in the process.
Some of the areas you must cover before you start expanding include:

Using analytics tools to track your tribe’s trends, habits and preferences, so you can expand in the right way…
Calculating acquisition and operating costs, and projecting future costs so your expansion doesn’t cripple your finances…
Optimizing your marketing tools and community features…
And keeping YOURSELF in an optimal state of productivity, self-confidence and enthusiasm, so you can lead a million people as effectively as you’d lead a thousand.

The Tribe500 Live Online Incubator Program Gives You 6 Weeks Of Bi-Weekly Group Training Sessions Including:

A detailed game plan for achieving YOUR tribal leadership goals – customizable to your personal objectives, your market, your unique strengths, and the barriers that have been holding you back.

The fastest, most cost-effective steps to building your tribe from scratch – including little-known cost and time-saving tips for buying your domain, setting up your website, and starting your lead capture and email marketing campaigns.

A highly precise understanding of every moving part in the ABASE tribe building formula – so you can nail every step, maximize your results and avoid costly errors.

Craft one of my upcoming products launches with me! We’ll build the marketing plan, setup the backend, design the offer and website and more on live online build sessions for one of my upcoming products in early 2015 – so you get an authentic insight into what it REALLY takes to design and execute your own successful launch.

Detailed walkthroughs of the research methods the tribe building pros use to gain deep insights into their followers – which you can use to strike a nerve and get passionate responses every time you communicate with yours through social media, email, etc.

Step-by-step tutorials for mastering software, online platforms and other technology you can use in unexpected ways to expand, engage and monetize your audience (including Quantcast, Alexa, Google, LeadPages, Facebook, YouTube and social media).

The Facebook Advertising Domination Formula: from ad strategy to advertising guidelines to what NOT to do, these 5 simple steps will allow you to rapidly gather and expand your tribe by turning Facebook into your own lead-generating machine (wait till you see how I use Facebook ads to get 15 cent optins in any niche).

The 7 steps to building your perfect passive income marketing funnel – just adapt it to your niche, and this field tested and done-for-you ‘Perfect Funnel System’ will reward you with a reliable and sustainable stream of passive income (plus the freedom to scale your tribe quickly and affordably).

Everything you need to know about effective, profitable, relationship-boosting email marketing campaigns and sequences (I’ll deconstruct my best ones and hand them to you for immediate use).

Today’s best traffic sources, techniques and campaigns for optimizing your lead acquisition campaigns, skyrocketing your EPCs (even if you don’t know what that stands for), and enjoying affordable traffic from any platform, from Google Adwords to Facebook (I’ll even show you exactly how I built a list of 30,000 ancient history fans at minimal cost in under 3 months.)

A guide to earning money through other people’s tribes: how to attract and retain the best JV partners and affiliates, and even absorb their offerings into your funnel for more income on autopilot.

Irresistible linguistic, psychological and copywriting ‘triggers’ you can use to quickly convert cold and lukewarm leads into loyal tribe members, saving you time and money.

Inspiring case studies and tutorials from my 14 years of tribe building experience – including how I used a 60-minute training video to generate over $128,000 from a small list of affiliates, and the strategies my peers and I use to often double our launch revenue.

An easy-to-follow holistic wellbeing plan for optimal physical, mental and emotional health as you lead your tribe – the same one I used to go from an overweight, alcohol-dependent party animal with high blood pressure… to getting into the best physical and mental shape of my life.

Plus intimate training sessions with my core team members that build successful tribal businesses with me, including:

My business partner Joe Fier, a veteran online entrepreneur, multimedia producer and operations manager who has generated over $50 million for his clients.

My copywriter and marketing strategist Omar Michael, whose marketing campaigns have earned over $20 million in the personal growth industry.

My wife and content creator Puja Shah, whose blog posts and articles generate over 500,000 unique impressions every month

4 reviews for Amish Shah & the Tribe500 Team – Tribe 500 Premium

  1. Matthew (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  2. Nicole Young (verified owner)

    This course is a game-changer. I feel so much more knowledgeable.

  3. Melissa Rivera (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and applicable.

  4. James Rodriguez (verified owner)

    This course provided a solid foundation for further learning.

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