
Nick Usborne – Marketing Confidence

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Nick Usborne – Marketing Confidence

Price:  $497
Sale Page: www.awaionline.com/p/is/mkc/
Archive:  archive.is/Y4pOM

Here’s How The “Big Brand Secret” Will Instantly Let You Contact Any Client With Total Assurance

Dear Reader,By now you know as well as I do …

There are three key elements to a successful freelance writing career.

The first one is your ability to write copy. Fortunately, you don’t need to be an “A-level” writer to succeed. But to compete as any kind of writer, you need to be able to write.

The second thing is “know your market” — know who the players are and what they need from you.

Most writers I meet through AWAI can do both of these things well. Which is good …

But, the third thing can make or break your writing career. In fact, without it, you’re likely to have no “career” at all.

Yet when I ask new copywriters what they’re doing about it, I get a long list of, well, excuses.
“I want to perfect my writing first,” they tell me.

Or …

“I’m waiting until the time is right,” is another “excuse” I hear.

So many copywriters I know put off mastering this crucial skill until the last minute. And that’s too bad.

Because just by knowing how to handle this aspect of the copywriting business — you can be successful faster … even if your copy isn’t up to the “A-level” yet!

So what’s this skill that will get you clients now so you can “earn while you learn”?

Like I said, you probably already know what it is. And, if you’re like most people I know in this business, you’re dreading having to deal with it!

I’m talking, of course, about marketing yourself. Or attracting the clients you need to build an active, successful, and thriving copywriting business.

But don’t worry …

It doesn’t matter how terrified you are about the moment you have to talk to your first client …

It doesn’t matter if you hate talking about yourself or “selling your skills” to a complete stranger …

It doesn’t matter how worried you are about not having a portfolio, experience, or even the skill to convince them to give you a chance …
What I want to share with you today
will erase all those concerns instantly.

You’ll be able to contact any client you want to work for with total confidence.

But more importantly, the clients you want to work for will have total confidence in you.

So what is this secret I’m going to share with you now?

Well, it’s the secret Steve Jobs used to turn Apple into the most successful computer company in the world.

It’s the secret Nike used to go from selling shoes out of the back of vans at track meets … to one of the most successful athletic apparel companies ever.

Even Red Bull used this secret to turn a simple caffeine-laced concoction into the biggest energy drink on the market.

Now I know what you might be wondering …

What do these huge, successful, multinational corporations have to do with my copywriting success?

Before answering that question, I want to introduce Nick Usborne.

If you don’t know Nick, he’s one of the most successful copywriters on the planet. His specialty is marketing online and he is internationally recognized as a leading expert on the subject of writing for the Web.

He’s done copywriting and in-house training for huge companies like MSN, Wells Fargo Bank, the U.S. Navy, The New York Times, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Disney.

He’s also the author of several AWAI programs including Copywriting 2.0: Your Complete Guide to Writing Web Copy that Converts and How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites.

In short, Nick’s a pro and his clients love him …

But I know Nick better than most people. And what makes him so successful is not just his ability to write great copy …

It’s his innate understanding of marketing — not only of the products he’s selling for clients, but of marketing himself as well.

I’ve talked to Nick at length about this over the years. After all, it’s one of the biggest concerns AWAI members have: Once I learn to write … how do I “put myself out there” …

“How do I get people who value writers to trust me and hire me?”

Recently, Nick shared with me the “Big Brand Secret” and explained how — on a much smaller scale — any freelance copywriter could use the same secret to transform their copy careers, too.

Here’s the simplest way I can explain it:

You don’t sell your skills or qualifications to a prospect. Instead you sell — or share — your message.

Here’s an example:

Apple didn’t enter the market and say — “Here’s a computer we think is better than the best.” Instead they put out an influential message: “Think Different.” That “message” left a powerful impression. Apple quickly established itself as the computer for free thinkers and those who felt confined and controlled by the MS-DOS world.

You see, marketing is baked into everything Apple does. Their product design isn’t just about functionality. It’s all about marketing. The timing of every launch is also about marketing. Even their programs and apps are about marketing.

Apple doesn’t look at marketing as a separate, occasional activity. And you shouldn’t either. Instead, you need to integrate marketing into every aspect of your freelance life.

And Nick wants to show you how to do that for your own writing business, so it becomes second nature.
Stop “Working” to Market Yourself and Make It Part Of Your Everyday Life

Instead of saying to a prospective client: “I’d like an opportunity to write your next sales promotion,” you can deliver a powerful message about the impact you can have on their business.

I’ll explain in more detail how Nick’s secret works in a moment.

In fact, it’s just one part of a very special “career transforming” program he’s put together that’s specifically designed to take you from where you are now — to a busy, thriving, and in-demand copywriter over the next 90 days.

If you don’t think that can happen, consider this …

You won’t be the first person Nick has worked his self-marketing magic on. There have been literally hundreds of up-and-coming copywriters that have come before you …

AWAI Member Lisa Sargent said Nick turned her cozy freelance copywriting world on its head. “I’m now carving out a one-of-a-kind niche that makes the most of both my skills and background … with total integrity.”
One student was scared to build her business and market her services. After working with Nick, she’s no longer bothered about gaps in her knowledge. Instead, she’s completely confident in her ability.
Bob Leonard said, “Nick helped me and the result is I’m fully booked making much more money and doing work that’s strategic rather than tactical.”

One of the main things Nick showed all these people and countless more … was the “Big Brand Secret.”

Here’s how and why it works:

Many copywriters think if their writing or copywriting skills were better, their business would explode. They believe clients would magically find them and they would easily make six-figures a year.

They believe they need just one more program, to read another article, or to attend a live event …

4 reviews for Nick Usborne – Marketing Confidence

  1. Camden (verified owner)

    Very well worth the money.

  2. Kimberly Lewis (verified owner)

    The lessons were clear and easy to understand.

  3. Riley (verified owner)

    Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.

  4. Ryan Walker (verified owner)

    Good quality.

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