
Sebastian Gomez – The Ecom Laboratory

(4 customer reviews)

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Sebastian Gomez – The Ecom Laboratory

Price : $197
Sale Page : offer.sebastiangomezmarketing.com/dropshipping-course
Archive Sale Page: archive.is/0vxVS

“How You Can Ethically Steal My $1,233,893.99 Dropshipping Business That Has Allowed Me To Help My Family Financially And Live Life On My Own Terms”

I want to show you exactly how I’ve built a multiple 6 figure dropshipping business and how I rapidly went from $100 per day to over $14,000 per day in less than 20 days (screenshot below) with this same method. So close Facebook, Youtube, and read the whole page!

Hey Sebastian here,
I don’t want to take much of your time so lets go straight to the point.
If you’ve been following me on Facebook or Youtube for some time now you might have seen that in the past 12 months I took my online store from $100 per day to over $40,000/day.
You might also know that I’m just a regular 20 year old guy from Costa Rica. I started my online journey when I was 16 years old on high school.
Now, I know you might think this is really hyped up stuff. And to be honest if you would have asked me if I would see myself generating these amounts I would have thought you were crazy.
But with a dropshipping business you can do really amazing numbers if you take massive action and find a winning product.
In the past 3 months I’ve been receiving tons of messages from people asking if I had a course or training to offer.
I told them I didn’t and redirected them to my free trainings. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of throwing out paid courses as I like to focus more on my 1-1 students and on my own stores.
But this year I finally got my lazy ass of the couch and put a truly amazing course together that will help you build your own profitable online store by applying the same strategies I’ve been using to grow my business.
I’m not saying that you will start making $40,000/day in your first week or month. But I’ve helped over 20 people reach $10,000/month and 3 people reach over $100,000/month.
So I truly think I can help you change your financial future for good.
Without further talk, lets dive right in.
The Ecom Laboratory
“The Ecom Laboratory” is the place where you’ll access all of my best content and training videos that will guide you from point A to Z on creating your own profitable dropshipping empire.
With over 100 videos, “The Ecom Laboratory” will show you everything from choosing a name for your brand, to building your store, advertising products, optimization and scaling your winning campaigns to the roof!
This is the exact same content that my 1-1 coaching students and I apply on a daily basis to see results.
And the best thing is… Most of these videos is just me recording my screen and showing you how I operate my business.
So you’re getting practical training and not only theory. I’m a very practical person!
Sounds good?
Ok so now let me break it down a little bit more for you.
Module #1
Crafting Your Online Store
In this module I will guide you through each and every step involved in the creation of your store.
I will help you choose a name, open your store, edit the settings correctly and help you get familiar with the Shopify, the platform that we’ll be using.
Though there are many tutorials out there on how to do this, I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertisement and there are minor details that really do make a difference!
Module #2
Finding Products That Sell Like Hot Cakes
All you need is one winning product.
On November I sold over 15,000 units of one item which brought in around $740,000 in sales.
One product!
See why this process of finding products is so important?
I’ll record my screen and show you exactly how I found this unique product and how you can search for hundreds of them online to start promoting.
Module #3
How To Find Your Ideal Target Audience
Okay so now you have your awesome product that you want to sell.
But how do you know which people you should show your product to?
This part is extremely important. Because for instance, if you’re showing bodybuilding supplement to an audience of grandmothers, as good as your muscle building supplements is, the grandmas won’t buy it because they’re not looking to build muscle ?
So I will show you the exact process and split testing strategies to find the perfect audience to sell your product to.
A highly engaging product with a very passionate audience will bring you a consistent flow of sales.
I’ll show you exactly how to find the perfect audience to sell your product to!
Module #4
Campaign Creation And Split Testing
When you get your store up and running, it’s time to start advertising your products using Facebook ads.
Facebook ads can be tricky if you try to go at them alone. When I first started I lost thousands of dollars for trying to go out there without having a clue on what I was doing.
Facebook ads is my speciality and I’ll teach you exactly how you should be creating your campaigns, structuring them and building highly converting ads that go viral.
Module #5
Optimization And Data Analisis
One of the most important skills that you will develop in”The Ecom Laboratory” is the skill of optimization.
Optimization is the process of making the best or most effective use of a resource. In this specific case the resources are your ads.
Though I strongly believe that in order for a skills to be acquired, constant action and execution has to happen.
Nonetheless, in the optimization module I will teach you how to read your data to determine which products have potential to be scaled and which don’t.
So let me ask you a few questions.
Do you actually know where your sales are coming from? Mobile? Desktop? Audiences?
Do you actually know WHY a product is selling?
Like do you really know?
Or are you guessing?
If you’re guessing, stop. Stop guessing!
Most people fail because they don’t track their numbers and when they do, they don’t know how to analyze their stats and make decisions based on that.
I’ll help you become an optimization master to generate a consistent flow of sales and a successful growth of your online income.
Module #6
Massive Scaling

So lets say you found a winning product and it’s consistently generating sales. Lets say you’re making $100/day.

Now what?
Time to scale!
Your goal with paid advertisement should not be to spend less. It should be to spend MORE.
You see, if for every $1 you invest in ads, you’re generating $3 back, how many dollars would you want to invest?
As much as possible right?
In my course I will show you how to successfully scale a winning product to possibly 10X you’re revenue in a short amount of time.
This is the exact scaling process that I’ve been using to sell over 1000 product PER day.
Most people won’t teach you the scaling process successfully because you can only learn this from people that invest big amounts on advertisement.
My team and I have been spending up to $20,000 per day in advertisement when testing our scaling strategies.
So you will learn strategies that have been proven to work and not just theory that you find on free Youtube videos.

Look, I’ve been doing Internet Marketing for over 3 years now, and this drop shipping business has been the most lucrative business model I’ve ever used.

Now, I’m not going to say it’s easy. Because like in any other business you have to put in the work.
But if you’re teachable and you’re ready to take action then I can assure that I will help you make at least $10k/month this year.
I’m literally putting years of experience in one neatly organized training program that you’ll be able to access any time, from any device.
So Here’s What To Do Next…

If you’re really looking to start your drop shipping business the right way with proven strategies and you’re ready to go on this road with me…

You can get “The Ecom Laboratory” for just $197
One time payment with NO recurring fees.
Now, if you’re still having doubts about this, let me explain why my training program won’t really cost you anything.
To get your investment back in your first month you need to generate $6.56 profit per day. That would equal $197 after 30 days, which means you get your investment back.
After that, all the content and knowledge you get would be in your head forever for no cost.
Now think about this… Do you think I can help you generate $6.56 profit per day in your first month when I actually know exactly what to do to generate over $10,000 PER day?
So if you think about it, this course won’t actually cost you anything, because in the next 90 days you will generate WAY more than $197. It’s almost imposible to not make it work with my training unless you really decide to not watch the training and not take action.
To give you an idea of what you’re getting into…
My cousin started his drop shipping business just one month ago. He came asking me for help to help him generate $300/month profit so he wouldn’t have to depend on his dad.

4 reviews for Sebastian Gomez – The Ecom Laboratory

  1. Phoenix (verified owner)

    I appreciated the hands-on approach to learning.

  2. Adam Rogers (verified owner)

    I feel more confident in my abilities after taking this course.

  3. Kai (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and well-organized.

  4. Brian Ward (verified owner)

    Good service.

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