
Pat Rigsby – Online Coaching Formula

(4 customer reviews)

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Pat Rigsby – Online Coaching Formula

Price:  $297
Sale Page: patrigsby.com/online-coaching-formula
Archive:  archive.is/SjdHt

Would You Like A Complete Blueprint For Launching Your Online Coaching Business?

Dear Fellow Coach,

As you know, online coaching is booming.
More and more trainers and coaches are adding online coaching as a part of their business and some have enjoyed enough success that their online income actually exceeds what they’re earning offline.
But there’s a problem. 

Two, actually.

First, because this segment of the industry is growing at a rapid pace, there are plenty of opportunistic ‘experts’ who have started to capitalize on this and marketed ‘high ticket coaching programs’ to trainers like you in an attempt to ride this wave of popularity.
And while they’re probably good at marketing…they gloss over what I believe is the most important part of this opportunity:
Actually being able to coach someone successfully without them coming to your facility.

So it turns into a little pyramid scheme…they teach ‘big ticket sales’, then their students teach ‘big ticket sales’ and so on and so forth…because no one actually ever focuses on coaching the client.

Second, unless you simply are trying to become a professional marketer…
You Must Deliver Great Results To Your Clients…Online
And if you’re wondering why almost no one else talks about that…it means you’re smart.
You know that your offline business success is built on delivering a great experience and incredible results to the clients you coach…
…and if you’re going to coach people online ethically, then it should be built on that same foundation.
Now sure, you can simply build a business that is nothing but Facebook Ads, Boiler Room-like sales calls and deliver some cookie-cutter program and call that “coaching.”
Well, you can for at least a little while longer…until the market starts to better understand what quality online coaching looks like.
Or, you can deliver a coaching experience that is customized, delivers great results and leaves your online clients as happy with your services as your offline clients are.
But I’ll tell you something most “experts” won’t:
And that’s why I’ve teamed with Mike Robertson to give you the blueprint for success you need to successfully add online coaching to your business.
Here’s What We’re Offering…

My guess is that you already know Mike as one of the best coaches in our industry.

His gym, IFAST, is regularly recognized as one of the 10 Best in the Country.
He’s a leader in our field, both in educating fitness professionals on how to be better at their craft, and by example with the clients he’s working with in his gym on a daily basis.
But what you may not know is that Mike has been delivering online training and coaching online for 11 years.

Over that time, he’s developed systems to deliver a world class service that lives up to the standards of his offline business…which are obviously quite high.

So Mike and I have teamed up to share what we know is PROVEN to work to build a brand and attract clients online…and to delivering a great results and a strong coaching experience to those clients once they’re on board.
Here’s How We’ll Do It. 
We’ll Give You A Complete “Blueprint” For Attracting And Coaching Clients Online.
When you invest in the Online Coaching Formula. You’ll receive two sections…
Section One is Building An Online Coaching Business. 
Section Two is Delivering Online Coaching.
Here’s what you’ll get in Section One…
Module One: The Foundation – Identifying Your Perfect Prospect

From the first Module you’ll immediately see how the Online Coaching Formula is different from anything you’ve ever tried.

Here’s why: you’re going to clearly identify your perfect client and your perfect prospect. Without this it’s virtually impossible to build a brand that stands out online.
You won’t be forced to compete on price, and you’ll be able to attract the ‘right’ clients online once you identify your Perfect Prospect you have the foundation for everything else.  But that’s just the beginning. Because then you’ll use that foundation to move to…
Module Two: Creating Your Online Brand

Next you’ll combine the Perfect Client you want to serve with your own strengths, passions and skills to create your Online Coaching Brand.

See, not 1 in 50 training businesses have a unique brand and way of describing it that actually stands out in the market. That may work offline when people are in their neighbourhood…but it won’t work online.
In Module Two you’ll craft your brand that reflects what you and your online business are truly about…and then you’ll go through the 4 Part Formula for How To Talk About Your Brand so that you have a clear Marketing Message that allows you to market in a way that truly sets you apart.
And this new Marketing Message will be the core of all your future marketing strategies so that your Perfect Prospects will finally know that you are speaking specifically to them with each ad, marketing campaign or tactic that you employ.
Your marketing efforts will almost instantly become far more powerful than what anyone else is doing, because you’ll be connecting with the right prospects with laser focused precision while they just employ the same old ‘one-size-fits-all approach.’
Module Three: Building Your Platform

This is where you truly change the game, and one more example of where the Online Coaching Formula is different than anything else you’ve ever tried.

Once you have your own unique brand you’ll use it to build your brand platform so that the Perfect Prospects you want start seeking you out rather than you constantly having to chase new leads.  You’ll learn everything you need to know about:
  •    Facebook Ads – We’ve enlisted my ‘go to’ Facebook Ad Expert, Scott                    Rawcliffe, to provide a complete course on effective    Facebook marketing…      this is a product by itself, but it’s included with the Online Coaching Formula.
  •    Relationship Marketing – I’ve sent a daily email for over a decade, yielding 8 figures in sales. My clients have sold                millions worth of coaching through social media channels ranging from Facebook Live to Twitter.
My wife’s business has a follow of over 70,000 on Facebook alone and has generated 7 figures in what started out as a side business. All founded on the relationship marketing principles I’ll share with you.
  •    Positioning – How do you stand out at the BEST option in a noisy, crowded market?

Through Positioning.

I’ll share the most effective strategies on positioning yourself as the #1 option for the clients you want to serve.
Module Four: Optimizing Your Sales Funnel

Now that you’re positioned to attract the Prospects you want, it’s time to optimize the conversion process.

You’ll be attracting the exact type of prospects that you want and in Module Four you’ll optimize how you’re transitioning them from Prospect to Client by utilizing Trust, Influence and Value.
You will adapt my proven Sales Formula to speak directly to the wants and needs of the prospect you’re meeting with to not only make buying easy and natural for them…but also make selling fun for you.

You’ll be able to create both a unique level of trust and a strong desire to work with you because they’ll almost automatically know that you’re the exact solution that they need to get the results that they want.

This is a complete paradigm shift in selling compared to what most trainers experience, with both you and the prospect being on the same page, wanting and expecting the same things instead of feeling like selling is a competition between you and the prospect.
You’re conversion rates will thrive, the willingness of prospects to commit to longer term programs will grow and all while you’re charging what you’re worth.
Then you’ll move to…
Section Two…Delivering Online Coaching.

In the First Module of Section Two, Mike will walk you through Why Online Coaching is a powerful offering for both you and your client.

This isn’t just about freedom or lifestyle.
You can deliver a world class solution for your clients and you can do it without being limited by geography any longer.
So if you want to lock in on the right reasons to integrate Online Coaching into what you do…this Module will spell it out.
In Mike’s Second Module he teaches you the Administration and Organizational components of running a successful Online Coaching Business.
One of the things you’re going to love about integrating Online Coaching into your business is that fact that it’s not complicated to manage…at least if you follow Mike’s simple and effective approach.
Once you’ve mastered the management of your Online Coaching business, the Third Module is all about Intake and Assessment.
If you’re going to deliver a world class program to your clients, you must lay the foundation with a seamless intake process and an assessment that let’s them know that you are giving them a solution that is unique to them and not another one-size-fits-all program.
This Module teaches you how to set the right tone for a long and successful coach / client relationship…and sets the stage for the Fourth Module – how you’ll Effectively Coach Your Clients Online .
For you to attract and retain clients online in a market that is getting more crowded by the day, you’ve got to deliver great coaching.
Mike is recognized throughout our industry as an extraordinary coach and he maintains that elite standard online with all of his clients…and now he’s giving you his blueprint for coaching success.
Now – if you’re worried about getting your Online Coaching program launched…don’t be.
Not only have we simplified everything and only given you what you need instead of overwhelming you, but we’ve also included the collection of tools you need to get started fast.
Online Coaching Formula Bonuses
In addition to providing you with all the knowledge you need to start and operate your successful Online Coaching Business, we’re providing you with:
  • A Proven Sales Page Template – I’ve written some of the most successful sales pages in our industry and among them is a page template that has been used successful by several of my clients to sell their online coaching services.Even Cooler Feature
  • Plug & Play Promotional Emails – Converting leads into clients is most easily done with emails driving those prospects to a Success Session…and we’re providing you with the email templates you need to create a flood of clients.
  • Success Session Sales Script – We’re also going to provide you with the script you need to close those prospects during your Success Sessions.
  • How to Run a Training Group – Training groups are the online version of bootcamps. Mike will show you exactly how he runs training groups, which allow your clients to pay less each month, while you maximize profitability.
  • 5-Minute Video Creation – Creating your online brand is an integral component of online coaching. Mike shows you how to create an awesome-looking video in less than 5 minutes using just your iPhone and a Mac.
  • ALL of Mike’s Back-End Materials – This alone is worth the price of admission, as Mike is giving you ALL of the back-end materials he uses with his online clients. This includes:

Programming Template – An example template to show you what a great online program looks like (including formatting to make it incredibly easy for the client to follow).

Progression-Regression Chart – Most clients don’t need a complex program. This proven chart will allow you to seamlessly progress and regress your clients, which will allow you to write superior programs in less time.
Start-up and Assessment Sheet – Want to know how you assess a client online? In this document, you’ll learn exactly how Mike does it. From the posture pictures to video clips, this step-by-step document details everything you’ll need to get a new client started.
FAQ Sheet – Online clients will naturally have tons of questions. This sheet will give them a ton of information up front, so that you’ll have to answer fewer questions on the back-end.
Links to Mike’s Video Clips – A critical component of online coaching is giving proper instruction via video clips .This document offers up a ton of coaching clips from Mike’s YouTube page, which will allow you to start coaching clients ASAP!
But that’s not all, because we’re also giving you…
A LIVE Q&A Call With Me & Mike!

Here’s how it works.

We’ll jump on a LIVE conference call with you and your fellow Online Entrepreneurs …and answer all of your questions so you can focus on execution and implementation.
Need help with something? No problem.
Want to refine the language of your Marketing Message?
You got it.
Want feedback on which Marketing Strategies are the best fit for you? It’s yours.
And if you can’t make the call, don’t worry about it. It will be recorded, and you’ll get the recording the very next day.

Plus, if you need to, you can send in your questions in advance and we’ll answer them for you on the call …even if you’re not there!

So there’s no need to worry about moving your schedule around. We totally have you covered.
 “Sounds Great, Pat- But How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?”

In my opinion, it should ultimately cost you zero – assuming you put it to work for you, follow the instructions, and start getting the results we want for you.

But that’s wordplay I know. You’re going to need to invest something upfront to get the massive rewards that building an Online Coaching Business can yield.
And, in truth…I can’t promise that you’ll implement. But Mike and I have done everything possible to take you from A to Z and we’ll be doing the Q&A Call as well as providing you with the ready to use tools.
So if you want the step-by-step system to build your Online Coaching Business…and you’re willing to implement…
…You Can Buy Today For Just $297.
 You’re Protected By Our Personal Guarantee

Here it is:  Take the entire course…all of it.

Get on the call.
Download all the tools.
Go through everything, put it all to work, heck – get on the phone and put US to work.
And then, after all that, if you’re not absolutely convinced that this was a simple and effective blueprint for building a a successful Online Coaching Business, let us know and we’ll give you an immediate and full refund. No questions asked.
We’re happy to do it because we’re 100% confident you’re going to love this resource. There has never been anything like it in our industry.
So click below and enroll now. You literally have absolutely nothing to lose …and everything to gain.

4 reviews for Pat Rigsby – Online Coaching Formula

  1. Jacob Turner (verified owner)

    The course materials were top-notch. Excellent quality!

  2. Leo (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and applicable.

  3. Brittany Mitchell (verified owner)

    A must-have for anyone serious about learning this topic.

  4. Stephanie White (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.

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