
Mindvalley – Unblocking Your Financial Abundance – Christie Marie Sheldon

(6 customer reviews)

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Mindvalley – Unblocking Your Financial Abundance – Christie Marie Sheldon

Do you ever get the feeling you’re not earning and achieving at your highest potential?

But you don’t know exactly what’s holding you back, or how to break through your barriers?

The Unlimited Abundance program takes you on a journey deep into your subconscious mind – where you’ll uncover 24 possible ‘Abundance Blocks’ silently sabotaging your prosperity and success in your personal and professional life.
Then, by tapping into your personal energetic frequency, your abundance coach Christie Marie Sheldon will permanently erase these blocks – leaving you emotionally, spiritually, and vibrationally aligned with the plentiful life you deserve.

Over 200,000 people worldwide have enjoyed life-changing breakthroughs thanks to Christie’s unique gifts, which you too can experience when you join the program on this page.

But first, it’s crucial that we explain…

What Abundance Blocks Are & How They Shape Your Life

Abundance Blocks are pieces of subconscious programming that quietly sabotage your ability to attract and retain wealth. There are 24 of them, and they could come from anywhere – your parents, your mentors, your friends, the media and the government. For example…

As a child, did you ever hear your parents complaining about “greedy” and “unethical” rich people, and how the government always sides with them instead of the masses?
Did you ever hear that line from the Bible saying it’s harder for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?
Have you ever watched a movie, listened to a song or read an article that calls money “the root of all evil”?
In high school or college, were you ever told that working hard is the only key to success?

Christie Marie Sheldon
Christie Marie Sheldon
How Your Surroundings Silently Influence Your Life
How Your Surroundings Silently Influence Your Life

Silently, sneakily, these influences latch onto your subconscious mind, and form Abundance Blocks in you.

And the result is in plain sight. Many of us are saddled with a subconscious fear towards money, because somewhere deep down inside, we relate it to greed and evil. Some of us spend way too much time at work, thinking back-breaking work is the only path to success. We overlook opportunities, we’re often too afraid to invest, we always second-guess ourselves… the list goes on and on.

In fact statistics show that Abundance Blocks hold us back even further when left unchecked.

In 1990, researcher John Zogby found that 14% of adults were actually making less than they earned in their previous jobs. Since March 2011, this figure has since increased to a staggering 35%.

Now look at your personal financial situation. How much do you think Abundance Blocks are holding you back right now?
What happens when you eliminate your Abundance Blocks
1. Start feeling newfound passion
1. Start feeling newfound passion

You feel the passion to excel in your career, and jump on the opportunities surrounding you. Imagine waking up every morning with that tingly excited feeling to try out a fresh idea at work or explore a new business opportunity.
2. Experience sudden rushes of creative ideas
2. Experience sudden rushes of creative ideas

Strategies to reach more customers, a better solution to manage your debt, a way to hasten that raise or promotion – picture yourself consistently coming up with ideas just like these, and using them to get ahead at work and in life.
3. Find yourself living in a state of optimal work-life balance
3. Find yourself living in a state of optimal work-life balance

You become a complete and well-rounded person by knowing exactly how much time and energy to invest in your career to make it successful, and when to clock out so your family, friends and hobbies get the attention they deserve.
4. Transform your attitude towards money for the better
4. Transform your attitude towards money for the better

You’re no longer worried about the bills and the mortgage, you’re not held back by the “I don’t have enough” mentality, and you’re never afraid to spoil yourself and your loved ones with good food, nice things and exotic holidays.
5. Experiencing serendipitous moments in your everyday life
5. Experiencing serendipitous moments in your everyday life

Like bumping into your future business partner at a bus stop, or stumbling on a book that turns your life around. And it all happens so frequently that you could swear the Universe itself is on your side.
6. Transform yourself into a catalyst for positive change
6. Transform yourself into a catalyst for positive change

Your free-flowing abundance not only lets you support your favorite charities and movements – it also empowers the people around you to be and do more, creating a wonderful ripple effect of prosperity and positivity.

Best of all, all these mind shifts, coincidences and opportunities get more and more profound as you continue working on your Abundance Blocks—until eventually, perhaps just months from now, you’re enjoying the kind of abundance and wealth you once thought impossible.
What Could You Be Earning If You Were Free Of Abundance Blocks?

Many financial experts and high net worth individuals agree that a person’s income should never remain stagnant: and should in fact increase by at least 10 percent per annum.

This annual increase is not only a way to consistently level up your standard of living and contribution – but is also symbolic of your lifelong commitment to getting better every day.

Unfortunately, Abundance Blocks cause most of us to fall short of this gold standard in personal finance. Instead, we get stuck in ruts. We wrestle with the same old insecurities and setbacks. And, we settle for the same amount of income for way too long – which thanks to inflation means we’re actually getting poorer each year!

The sustainable solution to this is not to work harder or clock in more overtime – it’s to erase your Abundance Blocks. So what could you be earning if you were free of your Abundance Blocks? Use this calculator to find out:
Your age right now:
Your age when you started working:
Your net yearly income for
your first year of work:
(Please use numerical valuesand avoid commas.)
Your yearly income right now should be: $
Meet your abundance coach,
Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie Marie Sheldon, a fully realized intuitive healer and author, is the #1 most in-demand author at Mindvalley committed to using her gift to help people eliminate their energy blocks, raise their vibrations and manifest their ideal realities.

Over the past 18 years Christie has spoken on radio shows, seminars and conducted over 30,000 private consultations for clients, some of whom are renowned political and business leaders.

Christie’s deepest desire is for people to get the help they need to live the ideal, abundant and stress free life they desire. She is also the best-selling author and creator of programs such as, “Love or Above”, “Unlimited Abundance” and more.
Christie Marie Sheldon

A community-favorite, Christie Marie Sheldon’s has over 200,000 Mindvalley Students.

With over 15 years of experience, Christie has conducted over 30,000 private consultations for her clients.

Throughout her illustrious career, Christie has garnered a legion of loyal fans worldwide.
What You’ll Learn
How Christie Removes Your Abundance Blocks – For Good
How To Permanently Remove Your Abundance Blocks

Removing your Abundance Blocks is not something you can do alone. Because even if you know exactly what they are, and even if you make a conscious decision to break free from them…

Your existing energetic frequency and subconscious thought patterns will always, always pull you back to them. Back to square one, back to the same subconscious limiting beliefs and behaviors.

That’s why the key to liberating yourself from them is to go to the source: the part of your personal energetic field known as your Abundance Frequency.

And that’s where Christie comes in. Using her unique gift for tapping into people’s energy fields, she has created techniques for accessing your Abundance Frequency and systematically removing all the blockages that are holding it down.

It’s a liberating, exhilarating and life-changing process. One that you will experience firsthand when you enroll in…
The Unlimited Abundance Program
The Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program

A step-by-step guide for eliminating your 24 Abundance Blocks

Available exclusively on this site, the Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program is a multimedia program for eliminating each of your Abundance Blocks, one after the other.

What you get is a complete collection of audio recordings from each of the 24 energy clearing sessions from Christie’s original Unlimited Abundance Program which changed lives and created a community of raving fans. In each session, you’ll experience a powerful and immersive process that taps into your energetic frequency, accesses your subconscious mind, and liberates you from a specific Abundance Block.

The program is designed to give you the same transformational energy clearing results as experienced by participants of the original Unlimited Abundance Program, but at a fraction of the price, and without being tied to a preset schedule.
Program Information
There Are 24 Abundance Blocks Holding You Back – And 24 Audio Sessions That Focus On Eliminating A Specific Block

Your journey begins with the Abundance Block Diagnosis Test: an online self-assessment process that simulates a one-on-one session with Christie. Just answer a series of simple questions, and you’ll be advised on which Abundance Blocks to work on first.

Each Energy Clearing session will help eliminate each of your Abundance Blocks, one after the other. You’ll experience a powerful and immersive process which taps into your energetic frequency, accesses your subconscious mind, and liberates you from a specific abundance block.

Click on each items to read more

Jump start your journey into abundance with a three step system to open your energy fields and begin the clearing process. Identify the lies you have learned about abundance and connect to the light, allowing energy to flow.

Four Ways The Unlimited Abundance Program Will Transform You:
Immersive energy balancing
1. Immersive energy balancing

This isn’t your everyday home training program. As a psychic and a healer, Christie’s gift is working with your energy fields —and during each session, she’ll use a series of techniques that allows her to address these issues.

She will start by creating a mold of the perfect energy template that has already been liberated from the specific Abundance Block we’re targeting. This is further enhanced by injecting positive beliefs and attributes into it, before infusing it in you through a set of specific steps.

The result is instant energetic transformation, with little to no effort on your part—and trust me, it will leave your mind and body feeling absolutely rejuvenated. The beauty of this technique is that it works perfectly even through audio recordings (most of Christie’s clients who’ve experienced the best results were long-distance ones).
An Exclusive Selection Of Energetic Tools
2. An Exclusive Selection Of Energetic Tools

Over the years Christie has developed and perfected dozens of Energetic Tools that can easily and quickly spark profound changes in anyone’s energetic frequency. No experience and virtually no effort is required on your part.

The Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program guides you through a handpicked selection of her most effective Energetic Tools. Bear in mind these are advanced tools originally designed for expensive personal consultations, which means you won’t find them anywhere else.

From never-before-seen immersive guided meditations to fascinating exercises that dive deep into your subconscious mind, using these Energetic Tools will make you one of the few people in the world to experience the highest possible level of energy healing—and the transformational benefits that come with it.

Best of all, once you learn these tools you’ll be able to practice them by yourself for the rest of your life, and draw on them whenever you need a dose of energy healing.
Sessions You’ll Look Forward To
3. Sessions You’ll Look Forward To

We strongly believe that the more relaxed and happy you are, the better the results you’ll get. That’s why the Unlimited Abundance home training program is designed to be an experience you’ll genuinely enjoy – a highlight of your day instead of a chore.

Spend a forew minutes listening to the audios in the morning, before you go to bed, or even during your lunch break. You’re free to do it at your own pace, and for the most part all you need to do is relax and listen to Christie’s voice as she works on your energy field. As she does so, you’ll feel rushes of positive emotions and sensations coursing through your body and mind (some people describe it as being like a ‘spiritual orgasm’!).
Immersive energy balancing
4. You’re Never Alone

As an Unlimited Abundance student, you receive ongoing love, support, and motivation in a number of unique ways.

Firstly, you get access to our private Facebook group, where you can talk to other Unlimited Abundance students, share your breakthroughs, ask questions, and make new friends – all in a space of love and respect.

Secondly, you get a Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator who helps you as you progress through the program, answering your questions and guiding you towards the best possible outcomes.

This is why Unlimited Abundance is more than just a program – it’s a lifelong community that’s always there for you whenever you need help or an energetic pick-me-up.
What Students Say About Unlimited Abundance
Success Stories of Students of Unlimited Abundance

“I got an increase of 187% on my 2019 income”

I got an increase of 187% on my 2019 income and decreased very much the level of anxiety and fear. Also I restablished the relationship with my Bro which was always very hard to deal with. My life is improving day by day for the better. I am facing the coronavirus time with confidence in the grea…
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Lilian Regina Xavier

Company Owner

Porto Alegre, Brazil

“I am almost done with the thorough path of the unlimited abundance program and I have been able to see how my energy has shifted into a more positive one.”

I have tools that I never thought existed in order to change what I don’t like and start manifesting what I want while feeling a sense of hope, tranquility and more confidence in my path. I plan on continue with listening to the clearing statements. Christie is amazing.
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Johan Barria

Singer Songwriter and HR specialist at Estee Lauder

Panama City, Panama

“I am so excited to release the belief that I am not worthy of: money, happiness, ease, abundance, health, and joy.”

Hi, I am Kerstin. Limiting beliefs about money are something I grew up with. I cannot really blame my parents for that even though they were the ones living in fear around money. When they were little they both were refuges during WW2 – coming from East Prussia to Western Germany. My mom’s life w…
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Kerstin Tracy

Owner of Ready2Heal LLC

Reno, United States

“To date I use the program as and when I feel like, it is my nutrional supplement for my mind.”

I enrolled to this program at a stage where I was depressed and felt there was no way forward or no solutions to the problems I was facing. I could not share my problem with anybody and get guidance. At that point I found this program and magically and effortlessly things turned around. Things st…
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Bhavana Ananth

Co-Founder Accolades Badminton and Sports Academy

Bangalore, India

“I think it’s a blessing to mankind.”

I started to realise i had a lot of energy blocks when i was 20 years old at university. I was always holding back on many things. At that point i did not know what to do about it. From the age of 30 years old and up to now i have i started to reinvent myself. At 50, and in this program i found t…
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United States

“I feel lighter and less stressed about “working it all out” like surrendering to what is.”

My goal was to remove many blocks that i believe i still carry around even after working spiritually for the last 6 years. I purchased both the love or above and unlimited abundance. together they have been extremely powerful to me. i feel lighter and less stressed about “working it all out…
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United States
Bonuses Included
Order Now And Get These Two Special Bonuses:
Clearing Past Beliefs (worth $25)
Bonus #1: Clearing Past Beliefs (worth $49)

In this eye-opening bonus session with Christie, you’ll explore and root out the subconscious beliefs from your past that may be the root cause behind some of your most damaging Abundance Blocks.

When left unaddressed, these issues could cost you millions of dollars over your lifetime – which is why Christie will show you exactly how they’re causing automatic negative responses in you towards financial and career success – and then pinpoint the experiences, events, and people that have influenced your most dominant emotion towards abundance.
24 Hours of Love or Above (worth $19)
Bonus #2: 24 Hours of Love or Above (worth $59)

This special set of meditations – one for the morning and one for the evening – is designed to elevate your vibrations and keep them boosted throughout the day.

Just press play, focus on Christie’s soothing voice, and you’ll instantly find negative energy making way for a wonderful sense of clarity, empowerment, and love. This set also includes two of the most popular exercises from Christie’s Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit: the Blessing Ball of Light, and the Heart Center Awakening.
Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform
The Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform

From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
Deep Transformation That Builds Over Time

Now used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 800% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
Mindvalley community
We’re All In This Together

The Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.
Experience Unlimited Abundance Now
What You Get When You Join The Unlimited Abundance Program Today:

24 energy clearing sessions with Christie Marie Sheldon available in audio format
Experience the Unlimited Abundance program on your computer or the free Mindvalley mobile app
Access to the private Unlimited Abundance Facebook group with students from around the world
Ongoing love, coaching, and support from your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator
An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee

Plus 2 FREE Bonuses , Instant Access To The Following:

Bonus #1: Clearing Past Beliefs (worth $49)
Bonus #2: 24 Hours of Love or Above (worth $59)

Digital Access on all Your Devices

Get full digital access to the entire program on your Smartphone, Your Computer, and Tablet. Watch anywhere.



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Best Value Package, Get Both, Digital Access And Physical CDs with Free Worldwide Shipping

Get full digital access to the entire program + we’ll also ship you the programs on CDs to your door for FREE.



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Frequently Asked Questions

What Students Say: Greater Abundance

“I’ve had money show up for me as gifts and easy works that pays well in unexpected ways.”

I invested in Unlimited Abundance and have been going through the program for the last moth and I have seen dramatic changes in my life. Including the sale of $1,200 product, which was all profit right when I needed, I’ve had money show up for me as gifts and easy works that pays well in unexpect…
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Jesus Velazquez

Neo Renaissance Entrepreneur

Bellingham, United States

“The biggest change was a gift from my aunt – she gave me 25 000 euros!!!!!!!!!”

My goal was to have peace and not to sabotage myself, to clear fears and other emotions and to pay loans.I am thrilled with your program, I did all the work, felt the energy and started to see changes in my life.The biggest change was a gift from my aunt – she gave me 25 000 euros!!!!!!!!!Until n…
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United States
“My annual income increased by 50% compared to the previous year”

My annual income increased by 50% compared to the previous year, I started a new career in sales and marketing, alongside my long-term professional practice of translation and interpreting, planned a few more side businesses, while learning new skills, and met the man of my life – all in the same…
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“I will easily receive more than $40,000 this month”

I purchased Unlimited Abundance recently and I listened to one session per day for 24 consecutive days. The results have been way beyond anything I could’ve imagined in my wildest dreams.I will easily receive more than $40,000 this month because of my clearing the blockages. I was especially bl…
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Ted Prodromou

United States

“It works!”

I invested in myself and bought the programme and did what Christie suggested. I had a financial goal in mind of £3000. It was money for a car, some bills and to pay for the course. What I actually manifested in 30 days, was £900 in cash, a £600 bank overdraft to re-train as a make up artist a…
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Surrey, United Kingdom

“Absolutely, love, love, LOVE IT!!!..Amazing”

Absolutely, love, love LOVE IT!! Because of Christy’s incredibly positive and uplifting energy and because her programs get results.I made an intention that I needed to align with $1000 before going on a trip and I got $1500 3 days later after setting and thinking about this intention only …
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Lisa Adriana

United States
What Students Say: Improving Quality of Life

“I am so excited to release the belief that I am not worthy of: money, happiness, ease, abundance, health, and joy.”

Hi, I am Kerstin. Limiting beliefs about money are something I grew up with. I cannot really blame my parents for that even though they were the ones living in fear around money. When they were little they both were refuges during WW2 – coming from East Prussia to Western Germany. My mom’s life w…
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Kerstin Tracy

Owner of Ready2Heal LLC

Reno, United States

“To date I use the program as and when I feel like, it is my nutrional supplement for my mind.”

I enrolled to this program at a stage where I was depressed and felt there was no way forward or no solutions to the problems I was facing. I could not share my problem with anybody and get guidance. At that point I found this program and magically and effortlessly things turned around. Things st…
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Bhavana Ananth

Co-Founder Accolades Badminton and Sports Academy

Bangalore, India

“I love myself more everyday and that is invaluable”

I was hired as a freelance artist by a company that basically scams artists by refusing full payment after a task has been completed. As AGGRAVATED as I was by their low level behavior, I released the negativity. Today I received the payment less $100 from the agreed upon price. And I gratefully …
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Arooj Ashraf

Boston, United States

“Since using Unlimited Abundance, my life has improved in so many ways.”

Since using Unlimited Abundance, my life has improved in so many ways. Do you have hours to hear me count them? The fear is dissipating, I’m feeling my own power coming back to me, self-care is much easier, I don’t feel as if I have to justify myself to anyone anymore. If you don’t like my dreams…
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United States

“Since taking this course I feel completely different, lighter, and I have had major things come to the surface in my awareness”

My goal was to learn and listen to exactly the information provided to help me be the healer/teacher and happy person I was meant to be. I feel completely different since taking the course. As I have said I am a healer and have been for many years, but I have stepped into and out of t…
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Kathy Hall

United States

“The world needs to know about this!”

The simple method of Christie’s clearings are very powerful! My sensations of energy and feeling connected to this Universe have increased greatly! There is a deep sense of knowing that all I need to be supported on my journey is here already. The doors to receiving are opening and I have a…
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United States

Get 30 days Risk Free to Try This Program
Remember, you don’t even have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE.

You have 30 days after the date of purchase to try this product and get a full refund sent to you (just drop an email through our Refund Form). So you can think of this as a safe way to try this program out and truly make sure this is right for you.

And if you have any questions – please visit our Support Center.
The Time For Unlimited Abundance Is Now

When’s the last time you made the wrong financial decision? Went after the wrong career? Pursued the wrong business idea? Backed away from a good investment? Or felt guilty about spending or even earning money?

When you put all these events together, how much time and money have your Abundance Blocks really cost you? And how much have they taken away from other areas of life, like your relationships and health?

The day you start overcoming your Abundance Blocks is the day you regain control not only of your wealth and success – but every other aspect of your life too.

That’s why we’d love for you to experience this bestselling program with Christie. In fact, trying Unlimited Abundance could be one of the best decisions you ever make for yourself and your loved ones.

Our mission is to help you get there – which is why we’re making you this special offer as a Masterclass attendee:
Join Now
Special Offer:
Join Now & Enjoy 65% Off

When you enrolled in Christie’s Masterclass, you made a commitment to a more abundant life.

Now, we’d like to honor and reward that commitment with an exclusive Masterclass-only discount on the Unlimited Abundance program. So when you take that next step and join the program before the timer below goes off – we’ll give you an instant 65% discount off the normal retail price of $999.

We can’t promise you’ll ever see a discount this good again. And yes, you still get all the bonuses plus the 30-day money back guarantee.
Experience Unlimited Abundance Now
What You Get When You Join The Unlimited Abundance Program Today:

24 energy clearing sessions with Christie Marie Sheldon available in audio format
Experience the Unlimited Abundance program on your computer or the free Mindvalley mobile app
Access to the private Unlimited Abundance Facebook group with students from around the world
Ongoing love, coaching, and support from your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator
An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee


Sale Page: https://www.mindvalley.com/abundance/
Archive: http://archive.is/UJsoA

6 reviews for Mindvalley – Unblocking Your Financial Abundance – Christie Marie Sheldon

  1. David Williams (verified owner)

    The course was very thorough and detailed.

  2. Olivia Hall (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.

  3. Eric Howard (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

  4. Aiden (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and useful.

  5. Leo (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach of this course.

  6. Steven Hughes (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach to learning.

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