
Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New

(6 customer reviews)

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Elma Mayer - Heal Your Situation New1Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New

The Problem with trying to heal your Problem…

… is that your “problem” is hardly ever just one thing.

Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t just have one single root cause..

Because… what caused that root cause? (And with all the work you’ve already done on it… if there were just a simple, single source for your problem… you would have healed it by now!)

Every “problem” is actually a much larger Situation. And it is energetically entangled with everything in the universe – and all of space & time.

In this program, we Disentangle ALL of that… with a revolutionary new way to Heal Your Situation.

Activate Deep Healing for your Entangled Situation…without giving up your power (or lots of energy, time & money)

I don’t think ‘Miraculous’ is an overstatement.

This has given me the only relief I’ve had in 8 years in a toxic relationship.

I cannot believe the outcome… I felt a complete shift.

I woke up and the issue was resolved. I can’t thank you enough for Heal Your Situation… Amazing program.

—Linda D, Colorado

Free yourself from desperately seeking specialists, or:

  • Running around to different experts who give you conflicting advice (but who don’t look at the larger context of your many entangled issues)
  • Wishing for powerful miracle-workers, shamans, or gurus to save you
  • Chasing elusive root causes

These Healing Sessions fully empower you to…

Plug In to the Healing Field – Directly – Yourself.

  • No need for private sessions with energy healers or therapists.
  • No need to seek different specialists with conflicting cures. ***
  • No need to pinpoint the so-called “root cause” of your problem or get an elusive or unhelpful diagnosis. ***

You can untangle the many different knots that hold you back from automatic healing… simply by using this program.

With this program…

You’ll be able to take care of a big chunk of your healing needs, yourself.

***Of course, if you have a medical emergency or serious symptoms, please seek medical help!
Read the Disclaimer!

Do you have hidden blockages to healing?

We all do sometimes! But we are often oblivious to them.

However, these powerful audios work at light-speed to:

  • Unblock your connection to the Healing Field (not just for your body & mind, but for your energy, time, space & everything!)
  • Unravel your HIDDEN distortions (that keep you stuck in unwanted situations)
  • Unleash your INNATE power (to revitalize your body, mind, money, love… and whole life)

Open yourself up to the flow of the Healing State.

How can you access the Healing Field directly?
It’s actually easy.

In this program, you’ll get step-by-step guidance.

You’ll be able to:

  • Plug yourself into the healing field, for “automatic” healing.
  • Evaporate buried blockages that bind you to your deepest problems
  • Receive instant healing Alignments for your unique pains and limiting patterns
  • Remove your resonance with disease, doubts & self-sabotage
  • Open up ALL areas of your life, to freedom, flow & ease

Why heal Your “Situation” – not just a “Problem”?

Why not treat each Symptom or Struggle as a Separate Issue – and get a Specialist for it?

We’ve been led to believe we should consult highly-trained specialists to treat each individual pain, pattern and problem in our lives separately. But even so-called “holistic” specialists often ignore the distant resonances and unknown entanglements that keep your problem in place.

And even worse… If you have more than one pain or problem… you’ll spend way too much of your energy, time and money chasing down specialists for each individual problem!

Because there is no such thing as an isolated problem, pain, or difficulty

All of your “issues” are actually much larger Situations.
For example…

If you have Physical Pain…

… You don’t just have an injury, inflammation or infection! You probably also have issues like…

  • Fear that the pain will worsen with age, or self-blame that you somehow “attracted” it (even though you’ve done everything right).
  • Loss of freedom – you stop going to your favorite yoga class because others might judge you as old and out-of-shape… so your life gets even more limited… so you work fewer hours, then go into debt.
  • Side effects from medications…. uncertainty about which treatment options will work… and whether you’ll even be able to pay for them!

If you have a Financial Problem…

… You you don’t just have overdue bills or debt. You probably also…

  • Argue with your spouse about money. But even if you solve your finances, that will not heal how you relate to your spouse in other life areas.
  • Lack confidence in your ability to get a new job that pays more… and allows you to live your life Aligned with purpose and fulfillment.
  • Lose sleep because of anxious mental loops… so you experience fatigue, sugar cravings, lack of productivity, and spiritual dissatisfaction.

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You can see how all your problems are small parts of a much bigger picture.

So instead of healing each small part — let’s heal your entire situation.

Holographic Healing…from the Tiny Hidden Roots to the Cosmic Big Picture

Heal Your Situation is a deep healing program that Aligns your situation from both the wide lense of the big picture, and the in-depth specific bits.

It heals you from every possible angle… not just the standard “holistic” areas of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic. There’s also time and space. But most importantly, it heals morphic habits and patterns, and the resonances and entanglements between all things.

This is the most thorough and comprehensive way to heal. We heal top-down, bottom-up, inside and out, past and future… and the entire universe.

It sounds complicated, but no worries… in Heal Your Situation, I take you through an easy guided healing process.

Yes, you really can get customized healing – and and you really can heal all your many different issues – without the need for private sessions with energy healers. The simple tools you need are all right here in my Heal Your Situation audios.

“I am blown away by the quality and content of this program.

I don’t think I’ll ever stop listening to it!

Instant and astonishing shifts.

I felt lighter and clearer after the first few minutes. It really, really works!”

—GS, New York

I know this really works… because I use it myself!

I’ve experienced – and healed – pain, illness, family trauma, money woes…

In 1991, I got Lyme disease. Even though I tried all kinds of conventional & alternative medicine, it didn’t really improve until I did this kind of instant-energy healing on it, in 2003.

For instance, Lyme disease. Need I say more? Oh, there’s much more!

I’ve also had a really rough relationship with my mom. Plus my parents & grandparents were holocaust survivors with untreated PTSD, and then we fled a totalitarian regime when I was a toddler. So that’s a big bunch o’ epigentic distortion, to say the least!

And then there’s just life. Stuff happens… that needs healing.

So even though I have healed greatly from all those issues…

There’s always more to heal.

That’s why I still do healing on myself – every day.

It not only heals me, it uplifts & re-tunes me to Wholeness, daily.

For example, I use it to…

  • Upgrade my body to more freedom & flexibility
  • Expand my mind, spirit & creativity… and elevate my state
  • Manifest money & abundance, enjoyment & evolution
  • Nourish & ground my relationships
  • Align my life’s work, healing the planet, and my business (Now Healing) with its highest expression and divine will

This is me in 2016, when I created this baby for myself, and for everyone like me who wants a big boatload o’ healing for lots of different things! I still use these tools daily.

If you have many kinds of issues to heal…
You don’t have spend a fortune on many different products!

With standard old-school healing, to meet all your needs, you might require FIVE separate products or healing sessions, for:

1. Negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and bad habits.

2. Emotional traumas and karma.

3. Money, abundance, attraction, and manifestation.

4. Family relationships, and soul-mate attraction.

5. Body issues, pain, chronic illness, allergies, aging.

That’s too many darn healing products!

I’ve created a total, comprehensive, deep healing solution. Because I understand…

  • The pain, fear, and overwhelm of multiple mystery symptoms, and hypersensitivity to the world.
  • The stress, anger, and disappointment of running to a dozen different specialists, and getting conflicting answers – none of which work.
  • The super-human effort it can take to just barely function each day…
  • How each separate symptom or problem (whether it’s a small annoyance, or a huge catastrophe) adds distortion to your entire life…

Instead, use ONE solution – that works on Everything.

What does it work on? You will…

Disentangle all the inter-related negative stuff:

  • Habits and behaviors that keep you in a rut
  • Sluggish thinking and depressed vitality
  • Body aches, allergies, and other physical ailments
  • Fear, worry, and doubt that keep you from being kind to your loved ones
  • Stuckness, self-sabotage & procrastinating on living your purpose
  • And tons of hidden distortions and disconnects

Re-integrate all the good stuff:

  • Feel safe & joyful living as your true self
  • Allow flow and receptivity to life’s blessings
  • Open to love, abundance & inspiration
  • Create your highest expression
  • Align your innermost essence… with your outermost effectiveness.
  • And best of all, you’ll be empowered to heal anything, anytime.

Melt away old blockages… to reveal your highest self

  • Activate and energize your ideal states
  • Clear and invigorate your magnetism
  • Evaporate anxieties so you can charge forward with greater ease
  • And unblock your body’s self-healing patterns

This program is UNIQUE. There’s nothing else like it.

It’s a new flavor, frequency & fractal of Wholeness

You can use it to

  • Heal yourself and others… without needing learn a healing modality.
  • Heal any situation… without having to pay for multiple specialists or practitioners.
  • Get WHOLE healing, not just for your “parts”… so that your body, mind, spirit, life — and the ENTIRE universe — all Align to support your healing and Wholeness.

And it works wonders on anything and everything.

What’s in Each Session

Digital Version: Stream Online or Download

Each session is fully customizable for any situation that you bring.

CDs & Book, plus Digital Version

Each session unfolds a fractal component of YOUR situation.

Session 1 (47 minutes)
What brings you here? Align it now!

  • Learn how to discern & observe your situation for optimal healing
  • Expand your awareness & your undistorted perception – of your body, mind, mood – so that you accurately identify your blockages & disconnects.
  • Clear all the entangled components of your situation & Reintegrate them.
  • Enter a state of instant healing & Wholeness
  • Discover an easy template you can use, to heal any situation

Session 2 (48 minutes)
Activate highest healing

  • Find out whether you are blocked from Healing. (You might be surprised.)
  • Quickly get non-attached to outcomes, so you can get better outcomes!
  • Activate your highest expression of healing that applies to you
  • Watch what happens when you simply Align your entire situation with Wholeness!

Session 3 (74 minutes)
Clear the Mind Field

  • Clear away thoughts and self-talk that keep you from healing
  • Transcend your beliefs, assumptions, inner skeptic, and hidden objections
  • Overcome your attachment to specific needs and conditions for healing
  • Purge your history and unnecessary attachments to it
  • Scan your entire Mind Field, to repair ALL disconnects and distortions

Session 4 (63 minutes)
Scan & Align your Body:
Total Body Reintegration

Even if your situation is not primarily about your body, this Total Body Reintegration will strongly support the healing of your situation and enable you to more easily handle stress. We Align your…

  • Spine, nerves, brain, heart (physical and energetic)
  • Organ systems, organs, glands
  • Functions, fluids, metabolism, hormones, senses, and digestion
  • Structures, tissues and cells
  • Qi, energy meridians, chakras, auric field… and much more.

Session 5 (39 minutes)
Scan the Universe for Entanglements

  • Align everything outside of your body (known and unknown) related to your situation…
  • …This includes: matter, energy, time, space, psychic resonance, morphic memory, external minds, collective consciousness
  • Plus… relationships, ancestors, future generations
  • And many other field phenomena (that most healing methods ignore).
  • Because… everything in the universe can entangle with your situation!

Session 6 (55 minutes)
Create Your State

  • Identify the most important question to ask, to allow healing into your life
  • Upgrade your story, and program your ideal outcome
  • A deep and powerful Sacred Geometry Alignment
  • Create your new vibrant state – and learn to sustain it
  • Recap of the Basic Protocol for use on any situation

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AND you also get…

Session 7 (Seven Audios @ 6 minutes each*)
Fast Zaps: Seven 12x Power Alignment Audios

A totally unique, proprietary NEW healing technology!

*Each 6-minute audio contains 72 minutes-worth of healing!

  • Use these Fast Zaps of instant healing for super-accelerated results.
  • Save Time! Exponentially powerful healing – in just six minutes
  • Receive incredibly fast, high-potency Alignments (144 per minute!

Session 8 (31 minutes)
Heal While You Sleep

  • Absorb the healing as you doze off. Powerful and easy multi-layered healing.
  • Program yourself to heal as you sleep
  • Assimilate powerful healing techniques not only into your subconscious, but on all levels

Session 9 (21 minutes)
Healing Others: How to use this program on behalf of other people

  • Receive easy instructions on how to share and run the audios for others
  • Pay forward the gift of healing to those you love
  • Please note: This is not a course in “how to heal others.” You will be using the audios on behalf of others, and learn how to apply the Alignments to them – it’s simple.

Book (76 pages)
Worksheets, FAQs & Transcripts

  • Gain deep new insights and inspired answers as you track your progress with your customized worksheet (it’s not “just” a worksheet, it’s a healing tool in itself)
  • Quick answers to all your questions about Heal Your Situation
  • Refer to checklists, tips, tools, plus transcripts of the Introduction audio and Healing Others audio as you listen

Ten Transformation Templates

These ten templates are super-powerful shortcuts to healing… loaded with personal healing Activations. They’re designed to be used in written form, even when you cannot listen to your audios.

  • A handy guide that’s great for “visual” people who enjoy the written word. Go at your own pace!
  • You’ll learn to heal yourself, with these powerful checklists of Alignments.
  • Use them anytime, on any issue – for yourself, and your loved ones.
  • An instant “energizer” at your fingertips, at a moment’s notice.

Total Audio Running Time: 8 Hours

Heal Your Situation is BETTER than private sessions.

And much more affordable!

(8 hours of private sessions with me would cost $2788!)

Heal Your Situation is intended to replace or significantly reduce your need for private sessions with energy healers and therapists—and the big expense in time and money that comes with them.

Private sessions with me are not available unless you are accepted into my advanced mentorship program for $697 per month.

And even if you were.. or even if you did spend thousands of dollars on private sessions with another practitioner… you would still want all the cool stuff that comes with Heal Your Situation: the complete scans of body, mind and universe, the Fast Zap 12x Power Alignments, the Sleep Session, the How to Heal Others Session… and the amazing Bonus, Ten Transformation Templates)! In fact, this program can be used to fulfil the pre-requisite for my advanced mentorship program.

Heal Your Situation is by far the most effective, and most affordable way to get a comprehensive, customized session from me – in a box!

In fact, in many cases it’s better, faster, and deeper than private sessions. Because the exclusive 12x Power Alignment audio technology cannot be done in a live session, it only works in a recording.

It is a small investment, for infinite rewards… in your healing and Wholeness. You will use it again and again – on ALL your issues, FOREVER – so it keeps on saving you money… for your children, parents, spouse, and yourself.

When you consider that a trip to a healer can cost you HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS for a single session…

suddenly the savings you’ll realize become enormous!

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
Thank You For Shopping With Us!

6 reviews for Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New

  1. Julia Alexander (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and easy to understand.

  2. Brandon Green (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

  3. Ryan Walker (verified owner)

    This course exceeded my expectations! The content was thorough and well-organized. Highly recommend!

  4. Melissa Rivera (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world applications included in the course.

  5. Courtney Stewart (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach of this course.

  6. Ashley Parker (verified owner)

    The lessons were clear and easy to understand.

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