
Derek Johanson – Copy Hour (2012-2015)

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Derek Johanson – Copy Hour (2012-2015)



Having complete copywriting FREEDOM sixty days from now (maybe less).

What does that mean?

…No more pulling your hair out trying to write a sales letter or ad that converts…

…No more failed attempts at coming up with a good selling angle…

…No more FEAR and hesitation about what to write…

When you put this “secret” to use, you wont have to worry about all that B.S. You’ll know exactly what you need to write to compel your prospects to act.

You’ll realize that you don’t need a template.

That there is no one perfect script.

You’ll see that solid copywriting and salesmanship skills are already implanted deep inside your brain and that this “secret” will unlock them and guide you to copywriting freedom.


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