
Cathryn & Allen – Self Mastery Academy

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Cathryn & Allen – Self Mastery Academy

Price:  $397
Sale Page: selfmasterycourse.com/courses/self-mastery-academy/
Archive:  archive.is/PBlqa

Cathryn & Allen – Self Mastery Academy | Become the Master of Your Own Life, Time & Goals.
Escape the Overwhelm  • Beat Procrastination, Boost Productivity  • 10X Your Focus
1 – The productivity and focus essentials extracted from hundreds of top performers and entrepreneurs that we successfully applied to our own business and lives.
2 – Strategic goal setting; starting from yearly to quarterly, weekly, and finally to daily goals that will keep you on track to ensure that no day goes wasted.
3 – The power of setting stretch goals and how to creatively stretch your own realm of what’s possible and achievable, in a way that’s realistic and inspiring
4 – Effective ways to avoid energy drain and improve daily performance and productivity without the burnout and exhaustion
5 – Creative ways to leverage your time and resources to get the most out of the limited hours in your day. This is the secret weapon of the successful.
6 – How to beat the perpetuating cycle of procrastination and guilt, and actually go to bed feeling accomplished and inspired for the next day ahead
7 – How to gain back the limited attention that you have been wasting on all the wrong things, keeping you from accomplishing your goals
8 – How to build a time machine; the systems and automations that have helped scale and grow our business, applicable and relevant for improving all scales of operation, and even to your daily life.
9 – How to track your overall performance, and measure your growth (for you or your business) so you know exactly what’s bringing results and what needs to be tweaked.
10 – How to maintain the highest level of performance consistently, and reach your peak of well being through incremental changes in your routine


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