
Craig Garber – Maximum Money

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Craig Garber – Maximum Money

Dear Friend,

I hope you are not reading this unless you want to make a lot of money, and here’s why: My name is Craig Garber and I have just written and published a ground-breaking new book called “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers: 21 Proven Direct-Marketing Strategies ANYONE Can Use!”

This book gives you, in plain and simple English, the exact strategies I used to make $578,648.44 in one year, with only a small handful of customers.  In fact, my total online list was less than 5,000 names at that time.  I did this without spending even one thin dime on advertising… and I wasn’t sponsored or promoted by any launch partners, either.  Almost all these earnings were at 90% profit, and I made this money both online and offline.

And I am so convinced this book will give you a dramatic and almost immediate cash-flow surge… you can order it right now and examine it absolutely risk-free — not for 30, 60, or 90 days… but for LIFE.

I also reveal somewhat personal and private information inside this book.  I did this because running a business isn’t just about making money. Ultimately, and I’m sure you’ll agree with this… it’s about creating a life worth living.

As I say on the inside cover, this book is for “anyone who’s ever been the underdog.”   In fact, if you’re the kind of person who excels when someone says, “you can’t do that”… and if striving to be the best — especially against all odds — is important to you… then you will love this book.  And, it will make you a LOT of money.

See, for quite some time now, although I’ve been making a lot of money myself… not that long ago… I was dead broke.

And actually, I wasn’t just broke… I was desperate.

My business was floundering, going nowhere.  I could barely pay the rent on my small, over crowded apartment. Not to mention, paying my ex-wife… my lawyer… child support… health insurance… day care… car payments, and medical bills.  Some days it felt like I was carrying a one-million pound weight on my shoulders.

But then, something happened that let me literally “toss away” my old life, and all the stress and aggravation that came along with it.

I went from barely getting by and living week-to-week… to making over a half-million dollars a year.  I earned all my money with only one full-time employee, and as I said, without any joint venture partners or affiliates promoting me… and without any celebrity “product launch” endorsements, either. 

And this, of course, keeps you free and independent, so you don’t have to answer to anyone other than yourself.

I left the crowded city and bought my dream home on a spring-fed lake filled with bass. A place where my family could create a lifetime of memories in a small, friendly citrus town, just outside of Tampa, Florida.

I ditched my “formal” office and now I work in a roomy spare bedroom with a wood-burning fireplace, on the second floor of my house. In the morning, I see brightly-colored carp swimming along the shoreline of our lake. And I hear squirrels scampering up and down the cypress trees in my back yard, chasing after hoot-owls.

Once the sun starts rising, I let the dogs out back and they go racing up and down the dock, running around my boat house. In the afternoon, I often take a break and pluck a Florida orange, or a pink grapefruit, or a small tropical banana, from one of the fruit trees in my yard.

But here’s the best part…

I do what I want… I work, and don’t work with who I want… and I only work on those projects I enjoy working on. I come and go as I please. And when I first got into business, this was my goal.

Yeah, sure, I wanted to make a lot of money. But if you’re anything like me, what really gets you motivated is being your own boss, calling your own shots.   Instead of having to listen to anyone tell you what to do — ever. In fact, the truth is, I’m probably “allergic” to being told what to do.

I came up the hard way. I started working at age fourteen.  I worked almost full-time and bootstrapped my way through college, and that’s how I’ve pretty much done everything in my life — on my own.

In fact, I didn’t really even have a mentor or anyone to look up to for guidance, until I was about 40 years old.

My point is, I’m in this for the freedom. The money’s great — don’t get me wrong. But money buys you FREEDOM… and that means more to me, than anything.

Craig Garber & family
“This is what FREEDOM buys you. Here I am
with my family, at Yellowstone National Park.”

Freedom lets me drive my daughter to school in the morning. Some afternoons, I knock off early and go bass fishing with my teenaged sons. And sometimes, my wife and I will just sit out back and do “nothing” together, over a cup of coffee. Especially in the fall when the air is crisp and the sun is warm enough to keep the chill off you, but there’s no Florida humidity. That’s what freedom buys.

I’m not a millionaire yet, but gosh, if I live the rest of my life like this and never become a millionaire, you’re not going to hear me complaining any time soon. Sounds strange for me to be saying this, but some months we’ve made so much money, I literally haven’t even known what to do with it all.

My mortgage will be paid off in 4 more years, and soon, there’s going to come a point in time where I really can just… “walk away from it all,” if I choose to.

Funny how things turn out sometimes, isn’t it?

But things weren’t always this way — not by a long-shot. In fact, for most of my life, the outlook was pretty bleak and miserable.

I grew up in a crowded housing project in the Bronx. A place where people and their problems constantly rub up against one another, like rotting shingles pressed together on an old, tired, worn down roof. Nothing but concrete and traffic for the first 26 years of my life.

And I’m the least likely guy to succeed based on my upbringing. My parents were blue-collar workers with no college education, and if I tell you my home life was “dysfunctional,” rest assured I’m being conservative. (I get into this more, in the Introduction to “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers”)

I somehow managed to escape from there, but once I was out on my own… without any direction, I floundered around and went nowhere, for years.

I’m telling you all this because while most people will be quick to tell you, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” the greatest lesson I’ve learned, is that this is completely wrong.

The truth is, when it comes to marketing,
what you know is FAR more important than who you know.

As you’ll see in just a moment.

By the time I filed bankruptcy back in 1997, I was so burned out and depressed, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.

But then, after years of nothing but bad breaks, and making one wrong decision after another… a few things started to go my way and my life slowly began turning around. For the first time ever, I began seeing a light at the end of my very l-o-o-n-g tunnel.

My personal life finally started coming together. Instead of constantly having to handle things in “survival mode,” and running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off… I had an opportunity to sit back and think, with a clear mind, about what I really wanted to do.

And what I wanted to do was create a business driven by emotional direct-response marketing and copywriting principles. And I wanted to be “the best” at it, whatever that meant.

In the beginning, it wasn’t easy, but it seemed I had a “knack” for this kind of work. I’d been in sales for years, plus I had spent a lot of time thinking about how people do things and why they do things. Originally, I thought about these things just to get through my daily grind as a kid growing up in an incredibly difficult household environment…

But in the end, understanding human behavior…
turned out to be my biggest asset!

So I began setting up shop and getting my name out there. I started generating leads and getting clients. And clients and peers seemed to gravitate to me.  At first, they were attracted to my energy and enthusiasm.  Then, by the results of my work.  I started creating some great promotions and I developed some excellent strategic advice that worked like a charm.

Then I started hearing, “Hey, go hook up with so-and-so. They can really help you.” Or, things like, “Once you’re in with this guy… your list will grow and so will your business.”

But that’s just not how I operate. See, I know there’s no free lunch in life, and even more so when it comes to business. I wasn’t interested in being someone’s right hand man.   After all the stuff I’d been through in my personal life, I figured, if I could survive that, then I could figure out how to make things work on my own in business, as well.

See, when you’ve always been told what you can (and sadly, what you can’t) do, there’s a fire burning inside you that says, “I want to be successful on my own terms, not on someone else’s.”

Have you ever felt like that?

Of course you have.

And so, unlike lots of people who look for “who you know” short-cuts, I decided to differentiate myself another way. I wanted to build a solid reputation on my own, and I based it around these 3 things:

  1. Providing great content. As you’ll see inside “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers,” the entire premise of successful lead generation (getting highly qualified leads who want what you have to offer, and who can afford to pay you) is based on giving your prospects quality content. You see, educating your customers and giving them enough information and advice so they can make good buying decisions… and helping them get better at whatever it is they want from you… ultimately creates customers who love you and buy from you, for a VERY long time!

And this is true whether you own a dry cleaners, or a publishing company, or anything else in between.  So that’s what I focus on — content. I consistently offer top-quality content and information, in whatever business I’m involved in. In fact, inside my manual I have several chapters devoted to explaining exactly how to do this in your business on a consistent basis — regardless of what kind of business you have or what industry you’re in. I also show you the three biggest mistakes people make when they do this (Chapter 11), and… how to offer content without being boring (in Chapter 8).

And how’s this worked out for me?

In a nutshell… Incredible! For example, my offline newsletter, Seductive Selling®, has a ridiculously high “stick” rate (how long your customers stick around). While most vendors have a stick rate that hovers in the 2 to 3 month range at best, our average customer stays with us for 8 – 9 months, conservatively. Loads of members have been with me since day one — that’s almost five years now!

And, between 85 and 90% of our customers continue with us after their first month, while industry standards are in the 30% range. More than 50% of these customers then go on to either purchase more products from me or join one of my consulting programs, or they become private consulting or copywriting clients.

I’m not saying this is “easy.” If you think making a half-million dollars is as easy as falling off a log, then you’re dreaming. However, there is a systematic way of doing this, and I spell this out for you in VERY easy terms, inside “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers.” 

I’ve pulled the curtain back and made everything 100% transparent, so you can start implementing and start getting things up and running.  Without any kind of difficulty, and without having to worry about what comes first, next, or last.

  1. I give you your money’s worth, and then some. Here’s what I mean by this: over my career, I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars on loads of information and consulting, for my own education. More so in the early years, less today. And while some of this money has been spent wisely, frankly… much of it has not. I’ve been taken advantage of, just like you have, and I’ve made good buying decisions as well.

The truth is, it’s disappointing when someone makes you a promise and they don’t deliver on it. It’s a sickening feeling investing your hard-earned money into something, only to find out you’ve been set up for the next sale. And that the real advice, or product, or information you were promised… can only be had for a higher price point on your next purchase.

I hate that, and so do my clients, customers and newsletter members. So I approach things differently. I approach everything I do with the mindset of, “Unless I over deliver on what I’m doing for you right NOW, you might not stick around.”

You see, people aren’t stupid. Your customers are STARVING for fresh new ideas, good products, and great service. And when you give this to them, they’ll buy from you over-and-over again, simply because you did what you said you were going to do. When you’re giving people what you promised them, you don’t have to use things like trickery to make a sale.

And you know what?

People LOVE this!
And that’s why they stay with me for so long.

Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but to me, that’s just the right thing to do. So I go out of my way to “WOW” my customers on a regular basis. And the numbers don’t lie, so I must be doing something right.

  1. Lastly, I keep things REAL. One of the things I hated about working in big companies was all the politics that goes on. I’ll be the first one to admit, I’m not good at making small talk, but get me alone or in a small group, and you’ll probably have one of the most meaningful, funny, and relaxing conversations you’ve had in a long while. And frankly, it’s taken me a long time and I’ve paid a lot of dues to actually get to the point where I enjoy my own company.  So when I share information, I share it straight from my heart. When I give out advice, I tell you what’s really going on — both in business and in my life. Not what I think you want to hear, and not what the politically correct thing to say, might be.  Just… the truth.

I’m not some “guru” who pretends everything in my life is perfect and everything I touch turns to gold.  That’s just not reality.  At least, it’s not my reality, anyway.

I have my own share of projects I work on that don’t turn out the way I wanted, just like you do. My kids drive me nuts just like your kids… my dogs tear up my house just like your dogs… and although no one could love their wife the way I love mine, reality is… sometimes we DO fight like cats and dogs (mostly over the kids and the dogs, by the way). Again, I share much of this inside “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers,” because balancing your business and personal life is as much of a challenge as anything else we do.

And while I’m not perfect at it, I’ve got my life set up so I use my time VERY wisely. Because as you already know, you can always make more money, but time is the one thing you can’t ever make ANY more of.

Mind you, these are the traits or qualities I’m known for, and this is how I built my business reputation. Doesn’t mean you have to do the same things in your business. And that’s the nice thing about the strategies inside this manual. You can apply them to any business, anywhere… the way YOU want to.

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6 reviews for Craig Garber – Maximum Money

  1. Austin Russell (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

  2. Ashley Parker (verified owner)

    The lessons were clear and well-organized.

  3. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  4. Patrick Ross (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and applicable.

  5. Dylan (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  6. Sarah Brown (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

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