
Chris McLaughlin and Nathan Jurewicz – Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash

(6 customer reviews)

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How to make five-figures PART TIME your FIRST MONTH! Read on for PROOF!

Finally — A Fast, Easy, & Simple Way to Make Money in Foreclosures

Most real estate investing systems are expensive… labor intensive… and complicated. BUT…

This system is easy. And it requires no cash, credit, or experience. See for yourself how this
system can get you started in just hours… and generate an extra $3,000 – $7,000 per week,
“working” about 8 hours per deal on your laptop, while sipping coffee at Starbucks…

I understand you’re skeptical. Those are big numbers.
But wait until you see the PROOF!

Dear Fellow Investor,

For most people, Real Estate Investing isn’t easy. I get that.


If it was, you’d be rich already, right?

Well, here’s the good news: it’s not your fault!

It’s the complicated systems too many of those Real Estate gurus try to impress everyone with.

If anyone knows, I should.

Because as a Financial Copywriter, I write many advertisements for these investing systems.

You see, before I write an ad, I review the product. Which means I research it exhaustively.

So I know first-hand, most of these programs can and do make money … but you must have the time and cash to make them work.

BUT — if you’re only looking for a simple system to make you spare-time cash, these programs aren’t for you.

And certainly not for me.

Which is exactly why Chris and Nathan developed this new system: to give working people the chance to cash in on the foreclosure boom…

…without taking huge risks, wading through tons of technical mumbo-jumbo, or spending endless hours and boatloads of money.

They created this program for people like you and me — people who don’t want to get bogged-down in technical data, or don’t have a lot of spare time.

And WOW! It’s a good thing they did! Because this is an opportunity that people are using to create an income stream worth thousands of dollars every month… eliminating money worries… and building security and financial independence for themselves and their family.

Yet, they only spend about 8 hours a week on this new “business.”

What Chris and Nate did was to uncover…

This Easy and Little-Known Method Of Making Money From Foreclosure Real Estate Auctions…

Here’s what happened: Chris is an attorney and a real estate broker. Plus, he owns nearly 200 houses. An investor like this can’t be bothered with doing things like running back and forth to foreclosure auctions.

Not to mention, until recently, he didn’t have the special expertise to figure out if a property at auction is a money-making deal.

But his “Auction Bird-Dog,” Matt, knows all the tricks.

An investor like Chris usually picks up a property every week or two. He may keep it or flip it. Either way, Chris pays Matt $3,000… $5,000… even $7,000 or more per deal he brings him. And sometimes, big bonuses.


Because every property Matt brings to Chris, Chris can make triple what he pays Matt!

Then one day… he asked Matt how many other steady “clients” he had. Matt told him five… but he could easily have fifty if he wanted.

Chris quickly did the math… 5 steady clients, one property per week per client, and an average payout of $5,000… and all he could think of was…


Matt was happy to explain his whole business to him. It took only four hours!

But why would Matt give away the keys to the kingdom?

Because there is only a handful of people across America doing what he is doing. And those few are out there fleecing the flock…

…because there is virtually no competition!

And here’s the best part: it’s probably the simplest way to cash in on this foreclosure investing craze anyone ever conceived!

Matt was happy to explain his whole business to him. It took only four hours!

But why would Matt give away the keys to the kingdom?

Because there is only a handful of people across America doing what he is doing. And those few are out there fleecing the flock…

…because there is virtually no competition!

And here’s the best part: it’s probably the simplest way to cash in on this foreclosure investing craze anyone ever conceived!

Chris wrote it all down. And then he decided to call this quick and simple way of making money by bird-dogging foreclosure auctions, The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System.

Good name. Because that’s exactly what it gives you… quick cash. It’s something you can easily do in your spare time, without shelling out a single cent — or giving up your evenings and weekends to make it work.

Of course, coming up with something you think should work is one thing. Knowing that it can and does work is something else.

So Chris and his partner Nathan decided to put Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash to the test, to see if it could really make money quick and easy. So, armed with the tools of the trade…

An Internet Connection, a Cell Phone, and a
Tank of Gas Was All it Took

That’s about all a bird-dog needs, according to “Bird-Dog Matt.” He searched for a foreclosure property going to auction, and found one at 1703 Sandalwood Circle SW. This was nearby Chris, in Winter Haven, FL.

He did his quick 2-hour research, then attended the auction. Here’s what he got for about four hours work….

(By the way, I’m going to throw a few figures out here… just for the sake of proof.)

Matt “locked this house in” at auction for $26,000. And Chris gladly paid him $43,500, letting Matt pocket $17,500 from the deal!

Why would Chris let Matt make such an outrageous profit?

Simple. if Chris didn’t give him such a large fee, Matt would have easily got that much from another investor. This is why smart investors keep their bird-dogs happy.

So Chris was happy to pay.

Chris made $4,000 in improvements, so at this point, he had $47,500 into it. Then the bank appraised the property for $80,000!

It’s the Ultimate Win/Win…
EVERYONE Made Big Bucks!

Here’s the bottom line:

  • Matt, the auction bird-dog, made $17,500 on the deal
  • Chris ends up with an $80,000 house, which he paid $47,500 for!

Do you see now why Chris was happy to pay Matt an “outrageous” profit of $17,500? Because Chris made a $32,500 profit!

Everybody got paid. And paid well! Plus, Chris stays at the top of Matt’s go-to list.

And what’s more, this is all a matter of public record. It can be found on readily accessible public documents.

But if you do the math… Matt worked a little over four hours total. Call it five. With $17,500 profit, that’s a ridiculous $3500 per hour!

If you think being a foreclosure auction bird-dog part-time is the ticket for you, then click here now:

Why This Works

One of my complaints with the Real Estate Investing systems sold by the big gurus online is that they require a list of CD’s, DVD’s, Workbooks, and tasks as long as the freeway (and I’m talking I-75!).

When they first get it, most people eagerly answer the doorbell. When they open it, they see this massive “to-do” list.

Feeling overwhelmed, they immediately put the system back in the box –until “some day.” And that’s the end of their making money in real estate with that system.

Now, notice the difference with…

“The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System.”

“The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System” is revolutionary in that it breaks Real Estate Investing success into only 3 basic components (see diagram below):

>> Fast and Effortless Research – in The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System, Chris takes you by the hand, and shows you easy ways to research houses headed for auction. Then he shows you how to eliminate the losers.

>> Bidding at the Auction – in this system, you’ll discover shortcuts that allow you to bid exactly what you need — and not a cent more. This way, you’ll get properties at much better deals than other investors.

>> Cashing Out With Your Client Investors – getting motivated investors isn’t hard. You’ll quickly find you’ve got far more investors wanting your services than you can get properties for. So, you get paid fast — and well!

The Step-By-Step Procedure For
Making Money With This

No, you’re not going to make a million dollars per week. But you can make an extra three to seven thousand bucks — part time!

The first thing you’ll notice is your credit cards will quickly drop to zero balances. (Well, for some people, that might be two months.) Plus, you’ll have enough left over at the end of the month to pay your utility bills, and groceries, too.

Next month, your auction bird-dogging will do all this, plus make the car and insurance payments. And even the house payment, too!

Imagine the following month, living with all your bills paid. And your savings starts to grow. Is it time to quit your job yet? Maybe… you still have to plan for health care and things like that.

Which, by the way, the following month should pay for, an entire year in advance!

And the amazing thing is that you can make all that extra money – a six-figure spare-time income – “working” at home only about an hour or two a day!

Look, with my freelance copywriting, I have always made a more-than-comfortable living.

So my first reaction to the idea of starting my own real estate investing business, was, “Sounds like a lot of work. Who needs it?” But then I saw Chris and Nate’s Auction Money Machine business – and I saw how these bird-dogs were doing it —

But it soon struck me….

This Could Quickly Turn Into A
Lifetime Of Passive Income!

It’s like this: After bird-dogging properties for a few short months, I’d have enough to be on the “other side.”

The investors side. Where I’d have the cash to hire my own bird-dogs, train them, and triple the amount in profits for myself that I was paying them!

Sure, I could start out doing all the work myself, and make a damn good living at it… five figures a month is nothing to sneeze at. But if I could bird-dog my own properties… or have a couple of my own…

Now we’re talking real money!

The truth is, I earn a nice “salary” from my freelance work. But I’m also like a dentist or other high-paid professional. I’m still trading hours for dollars.

Dentists have a saying: “Unless you are drilling and filling, you ain’t billing.”

If you work for someone else as an employee – or are a self-employed professional in your own service business (as I am) – you always have to be working to make money.

I’m Not a Risk-Taker, But ….

I gotta be honest with you. I’m in my 50’s now. Sure, I enjoy my work, but after working long and hard hours every single day of the year, I’ve begun to tire a bit.

And gradually, the idea of creating a perpetual real estate cash machine that makes you money whether you are working or not – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year – is becoming more and more appealing.

So when Chris and Nate created and tested The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System… I immediately got excited, even though I am not an entrepreneur or risk-taker by nature.

And honestly, I’m a tightwad. I’m not going to invest a couple of thousand in some real estate investing system.

But with The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System, I don’t have to! In fact, two people who used this system…

Made $6,100.70 in Just One Week!

Chris unleashed two bird-dogs to work on a property together. They found one ripe for the picking, at 1327 Primrose Court, in Lakeland, close to where Chris lives.

They handed Chris the property for $40,804.30, far below its appraised value. Chris had to pay fees of $2,095 to the Clerk of Courts, and — of course — the fees to his birddogs.

Now, these two bird-dogs typically won’t work for less than a $5,000 fee. But they knew Chris was out to prove a point — so they split the fee down the middle, with Chris paying them $3,050.35 each.

I don’t know about you… but I’d put in about 8 hours for $3,050.35!

It worked out great for Chris, who got a sweetheart deal on a fabulous property, for a mere $49,000 total.

Here’s the numbers:

$40,804.30 – Auction Price
$6,100.70 – Bird-Dog Fees (Split between two — could have easily been one)
$2,095 – Clerk of Courts
$49,000 – Total Chris Pays for an amazing property, which ended up worth far more to him!

Again, everyone won. Everybody made money.
Which goes to prove…

Using Just a Few Simple Tactics That Chris and Nate Want To Share With You, You Can Start Your Own Part-Time, Low Risk Business Without Any Cash, Credit, Or Experience… And Close To Zero Risk!

Sure, established gurus may look at $3,050.35 in two weeks, and call it chump-change.

But for someone getting in a part-time cash flow, looking to build it into a passive income stream they can retire with…

…it ain’t too shabby!

Just in case you missed the first 3 video that were released here they are…

Here is the Proof….

Let me tell you, as a highly-paid professional, wanting to make that transition into a wealthy, retired person at an early age, raking in tons of money…

$3,050.35 in a week is a six-figure income. And that’s a life-changing event!

So if that sounds like what you want, too, then I think you’re going to like what I’m about to share with you….

“The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System.”

They call their system of making money “The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash System,” because it’s starts out fast… but with a little time, you can quickly transform it into a six-figure passive income cash flow, practically on automatic pilot.

But before I tell you what the steps are, how it works, and what it can do for you, let me tell you what you do NOT have to do to make $100,000 a year with this system….

  • You never have to get on an airplane and travel. Or even leave your home. Or even get out of your pajamas, unless you want to go look at a house personally, or the auction’s not online. Sometimes your research may take you out of your house for a couple of hours, but you can outsource that, cheaply.
  • You don’t have to sell soap to your friends. No network or pyramid marketing scams.
  • You do not need to rent an office. Do it right from a spare bedroom or the kitchen table. All you need is a desktop or laptop computer with an Internet connection.
  • No need to hire employees. You can get everything done yourself, in 2 – 8 hours. Once you really get going, you can hire a few freelancers. And Chris and Nate show you how to hire the good ones — dirt-cheap.
  • You do not need to deal with realtors or lenders.
  • No technical knowledge or skills are required. You don’t have to design web sites or install shopping cart software or learn to use auto-responders or spend money on marketing.
  • You don’t have to do seminars … speaking … coaching … consulting … or anything that requires you to deal with clients in person. All the transactions take place automatically through your computer, unless you check out a property in person, or go to an auction that’s not held online. Sometimes you’ll have to do research offline, too, but it won’t take long.
  • You don’t have to pack products, seal and weigh boxes, take books and DVDs to the post office to ship to your buyers, or have UPS come to your home for daily pick-ups. None of the hassles you have with “regular” businesses.
  • You’re in and out of a deal lighting fast. You don’t sell some product that needs to be serviced or supported. So there’s no inventory to store. No manufacturing cost. No shipping and handling. And your profit margin is close to 100%.
  • You do not have to shell out thousands of dollars on consultants, programmers, copywriters, mailing lists, online advertising campaigns, and other big gambles that put your mortgage money at risk.

Okay, that’s great. But how about…

Here’s What It Is:

This detailed, comprehensive guide gives you a point-by-point, step-by-step strategy to quickly build a business. Here’ what it is:

  • A – Z Blueprint to Profits, where we hold your hand through every step of getting your business up and running
  • Thorough 160 Page Manual, jam-packed with descriptions of foreclosure laws in all 50 states!

Eight DVD’s give you an entire walkthrough of the system visually:

DVD #1: Auctions Gone Wild!

Raking it in With Live Florida Auctions!

DVD #2: Beach Millions:

Florida Online Auctions!

DVD #3: Golden State Riches

California’s Debt Means a Flood of Auctions!

DVD #4: Hit The Jackpot!

Nevada Foreclosure Auctions Mean Big Wins!

DVD #5: Desert Money Machine:

Hot Arizona Auction Cash!

DVD #6: Lucrative “Lone Star State” Secrets:

Grabbing HUGE Texas Auction Payouts!

DVD #7: Making Patience Pay Off… BIG TIME:

“Long Redemptive State” Auctions Stuff Your Pockets With Cash!

DVD #8: Title Searches Made Easy:

Tips, Tricks… & Traps!

Value – $1500! But yours free with this system!

  • Eight CD’s let you learn at your own pace. Anytime you drive somewhere, just pop one in to get up to speed on building your money-making empire!
  • Plus — you get a digital version included, for maximum convenience!

But that’s not all…

You also get the ensured success of our…

Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash Accountability

Coaching Program!

Let me break this amazing ($2000 Value) program down for you, week-by-week:

Week #1: Familiarizing Yourself With Your State

Week #2: No Money? No Credit? No PROBLEM!

Week #3: Developing a Profit-Delivering Bidding Routine!

Week #4: Getting to the Next Level — Secrets of the Auction Big-Buck Pros!


If you’re one of the first to jump on this, take…

Fast Action Bonus #1
For First 250 Orders!

Learning Curve Time Slasher Super Saver! You get:

    • Bonus training call with three of the nation’s leading auction bird-dogs
  • Benefit from them spilling the beans on which banks discount their note, and which ones don’t
  • Other secrets that will slash your research time by over 75%!

Value: $4000! (But worth thousands, when you are able to do twice as many deals in the same amount of time!)

Fast Action Bonus #2
For First 100 Orders!

Attend a Live Foreclosure Auction with the nation’s leading bird-dogs!

Following on the heels of the Las Vegas event, a lucky few will be admitted to this April 4th workshop in Vegas.

You’ll be able to look over the shoulder of the nation’s leading auction bird-dog. Don’t miss this chance to see what happens behind the scenes…

Value: $3000!

Fast Action Bonus #3
For First 50 Orders!

Grab 2 Tickets to The Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash Work Shop.

Happening April 1st – 3rd, in beautiful, exciting Las Vegas, Nevada! You get a chance to meet, network, and interact with bird dogs and cash investors from across America.

But you must register fast, because seating will be limited at this event.

Value: $2000!


But for you… a mere $997!

Get download Chris McLaughlin and Nathan Jurewicz – Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash at Forimc.com right now!

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20110123154731/www.foreclosureauctionquickcash.com/specialmessage/

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
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6 reviews for Chris McLaughlin and Nathan Jurewicz – Foreclosure Auction Quick Cash

  1. Aaron Gonzales (verified owner)

    I was able to apply what I learned immediately. Thank you!

  2. Olivia Hall (verified owner)

    Good service.

  3. Benjamin Butler (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and informative.

  4. Kayla Kelly (verified owner)

    A must-have for anyone serious about learning this topic.

  5. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    This course provided a great foundation for further learning.

  6. Nolan (verified owner)

    I feel more confident in my skills after taking this course.

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